Anger Management

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New York

Avenger's Mansion

The Danger Zone

As soon as Tony told them the name, Ben had some idea of what he was getting into. Tony guided the group to a room with blank wall panels. The room began to shift with a few button presses, separating the group and creating new hallways. Since they were superheroes, Tony programmed superhuman threats, living up to the name. While not designed to kill, if you got hit, it would hurt... a lot.

Wasp found herself in a dark corridor with neon green lights. When she took a few steps forward, the sounds of shifting panels caused her to freeze and turn in their direction. Several guns were deployed from the wall. With little warning, they fired several missiles fired at her. Shrinking down, she narrowly dodged the first one. As the second approached, she flew upward and away. Stinger blasts made some detonate away from her. However, one of the remaining missiles exploded a bit too close, the blast sending her into the wall.

Pulling herself to one knee, Wasp took a breath. The guns reloaded before launching another volley of rockets. As she was about to fire again, several repulsor blasts destroyed them. Iron Man landed before Wasp and raised an arm at the guns. The armored gauntlet flipped open, revealing its own small missile. With a smirk, Tony fired, destroying the obstacle with relative ease. Before Tony could boast, more weapons were deployed at their location. Not wanting to stick around, they made a tactical retreat.

Ant-Man walked through the darkness cautiously. In an instant, fluorescent lights shined. Metal tentacles extended out from the floor and wrapped themselves around the hero's legs. When strength failed to free him, Ant-man pressed a button on his belt. His Pym particles activated, shrinking the hero out of their possible grasp. His escape was cut short when floor panels flipped up, dropping him below before closing. The room rumbled as the floor exploded, revealing an irritated Giant-Man.

Thor held his enchanted hammer, Mjolnir, in one hand and his cape billowing behind him. In a test of agility, he flew through a long corridor with rotating arms and wrecking balls. Despite the Asgardian's strength, his overconfidence in this mortal test got him. A wrecking ball managed to get into his blind spot and struck him into the wall. Like a domino effect, this slip was enough for him to get battered one after another before landing on the ground. His godly rage started to simmer, unamused by his lackluster failure. Thor raised his hammer and smashed one of the arms. With a throw of Mjolnir, it destroyed several walls, leaving a relieved Thor behind.

The Hulk casually walked around the room. In his mind, anything that Stark would throw at him shouldn't be as bad as what the military threw at him to kill or capture. He knew it was for training, but this wasn't something Hulk actively did. For the most part, he was locked away inside Banner until the stresses of life caused him to come out again. Now, he held the reigns. He was technically a hero now, trying, at least. The shift between survival and heroism would be difficult to get used to.

It didn't take long to reach an empty hallway. A floor panel lit up as she stepped on it. About fifty feet away, opposite walls extended out and pressed against each other. One by one, they closed toward the Hulk. An unlucky drone that tried to attack Hulk was grabbed and thrown into the wall compactors. Unbothered, Hulk waited for it to reach him, and when it did, he held both arms out. Instead of crushing its victim, the metal creaked against gamma-enhanced muscle. Hulk felt the strain as the pressure grew. Growling, he gave a forceful shove to both sides, destroying them and opening up the next room.

There, Hulk stood before a large armored robot several feet taller than him. As soon as the simulation began, the robot launched a powerful energy blast at the Hulk, who quickly charged toward the robot with incredible speed. The armor was no match for the Hulk's strength, and he quickly smashed through it, causing it to stumble back against the wall.

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