It's Just Business

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Stark Industries Tower


The CEO, Tony Stark, was working on a device in his office while meeting with another CEO. To the visitor's left sat Ben in his green-accented suit. Tony had asked the alien hero to sit in the meeting as a consultant. It seemed that the Iron Avenger was dead set on being the scientist who increased Earth's technology level rating.

In front of Tony, the CEO of Williams Initiative, Sanford Williams, wore a beige business suit and red tie. He got right to the point. "I don't need to tell you that Stark Industries is crushing us. Energy was our main innovation, but we've had nothing to compete ever since you came out with the arc reactor technology."

Ben nodded. "To be fair, cold fusion is a major milestone in energy production. I think the next nuclear advancement after this is a Dyson sphere."

Sanford sighed. "I'm aware of that. But there are still so many other projects and fields in development in my company. I just need more time, but we're going under," Sanford informed, lightly slamming his hands on the table.

Meanwhile, Tony was reviewing a spherical device. The armored Avenger flipped a switch, which got a response from Jarvis. "Security image not found. Error," Jarvis informed Tony, to Tony's hidden frustration.

Ben pinched the bridge of his nose. "Tony, don't you think you should talk to the guy who took the time to set up this meeting with you, which you agreed with?"

Tony took his eyes off his work and looked at Sanford for the first time during the meeting. "Well, yeah. I've been buying company shares while others have sold theirs. They lost faith, but I know you guys have potential. I could have easily bought you guys out entirely, but I didn't. Isn't the extra capital investment helping you guys stay afloat?"

Sanford frowned. "It is, but I can't help but feel control over my own company is slipping through my fingers. We don't know each other, but I came to ask you personally, don't do this." He asked in a slightly pleading tone. "I built Williams Innovations from nothing." He lowered his head a bit somberly. "Not even my sons want to speak with me. It's all I have."

Tony cringed a bit. "Oh... If that's the case, you were a bit too late."

Simmon looked at him in slight alarm and disbelief. "What?"

"I became the majority shareholder about 15 minutes ago," Tony answered.

Simmon stood up in anger. "No... I'm not going to let you do this. You hear me, Stark!" he raised his voice as he turned and began to walk out of the room.

Ben frowned and quickly pulled the man back into his seat. "Hold on, Williams. Why are you saying that? Aren't you still the CEO whether or not Tony holds majority shares?"

Williams simmered. "A major or even a majority shareholder will have more power than a CEO, but their power is limited mostly to shareholder meetings. If they do have a majority, they can exercise this within limits to do things. They can also pressure the board or the CEO to do certain things. I'm not going to let Tony destroy my entire life!"


"You make it sound like Tony was abusing his influence during the meetings." The hero blinked. "Was he?"

Tony rolled his eyes. "No, I was not! I don't even show up to those meetings. Pepper or another assistant does and gives me the TLDR on what's happening."

"Sanford, what exactly are you scared of happening anyways?" asked Ben. "I think we're all on the wrong page about what's happening."

"I just know that Tony is going to conspire with the board and push me out of office only for him to take over."

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