Stronger Than Iron

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2 Weeks Later, New York

Ben walked through the streets of New York. He had already dealt with several many houses on his journey through the United States. Along the way, Ben met several interesting characters, but that is a story for another day. According to Bruce's information, the last few safe-houses were here in New York. 'This New York is quite different from my own.' As Ben walked around the corner, the smell of food caught his attention. His stomach rumbled in hunger. 'It's been a while since breakfast.' Walking inside,

"Next!" The owner called out as Ben walked up to the counter. "Welcome to Joe's Pizza! What can I get for ya?"

After looking at the menu for a few seconds, Ben shrugged. "I'll have a slice of Pepperoni and Bacon, breadsticks, and a medium Coke."

The older man nodded. "That'll be five ninety-nine."

After Ben paying and receiving his food, he took a seat in front of the shop. He took in the ambiance of the busy streets. 'Today is going to be a good day.'

Suddenly, a large explosion in the distance shakes the entire block. Several people, including Ben, lost their balance. While some people stared at the smoke in the distance, others were checking online to find out what happened.

In the middle of all that, the Alien Hero stared at his food spilled all over the sidewalk. "Dammit..." Looking in the direction of the explosion, Ben narrowed his eyes. "Hello, stress relief."

United Nations, New York Office

Several vehicles have been turned on their sides. Security forces have been pinned down by Hydra agents. In the background, a massive skull mech approaches. Upon arrival, the soldiers look on in fear as their heavy guns begin targeting them. Just as the gun begins charging, a blue repulsor beam impacts it's hull straight on. The heat and force of the attack allowed it to pierce all the way through, causing all of its engines to overload and erupt in fire and smoke.

Iron Man floated in the air, admiring his handiwork. "Timber." As the Skulls tentacles gave away, the main body tumbled into the ocean. With that Tony scanned the battlefield. "What do we got, Jarvis?"

Jarvis answered. "Armor is down to 40% after using the uni-beam which I recommended against."

Tony rolled his eyes. "I meant on the ground."

The Heads-Up-Display highlighted the enemy footsoldiers. "Ah, yes. fourteen HYDRA targets all heavily armed, sir."

"Huh. Maybe I should have brought Rhodey along." He shrugged. "Jarvis, activate external speakers." The Iron Man armor hovered as he gave a message to them all. "Attention, HYDRA goons. You've been trying to take over the world for 60 years. It's not happening."

One of the ground agents lifts up his launcher and fires at the red target.

Tony leans to his left, narrowly missing the rocket. His eyes widened in surprise, "He actually shot at me." All the agents firing on the armor. Tony glared at them "Fine. We'll do it the hard way." Maneuvering through the projectiles, Tony fired an object that soo split into 12 pieces. Each of them quickly latched onto their rifles.

HYDRA soldiers yell in surprise as the devices beeped before detonating and knocking them out. Two agents took cover behind an overturned car before their cover began to rise, revealing Iron Man.

"Hi, there." Tony raised his free hand and blasted the two of them. Still holding the vehicle, he looked over his handiwork. "Wow, they don't make bad guys the way they used to." He threw the vehicle away casually.

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