chapter 3 Friend?

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"yup I'm his son!" M/n said glancing around at everyone before landing on someone. Jeffery Alan Woods. "Well.well.well if it isn't Jeffery woods." M/n said before jumping at him. Putting him in a headlock.

"Hey old buddy! Didn't think I would let you be the first creepypasta for long did ya?!" M/n said smiling while the other male did not look happy at all.

"The fuck?! Get off me!" Jeff said and pushed him off.

"What your not happy to see me!" M/n said smiling, then frowning when he didn't get one back. "Jeff-? Slenderman what's wrong with Jeffery?" M/n asked turning to Slenderman.

He signed and stood up taking M/n out of the room for a walk.

There the two sat the same rock by the river where they last saw each other. "There was a accident with the police and he lost most of him past memories. He doesn't remember you, and I didn't tell him in case you didn't come back. All you are to him is someone within a memory."

"I see. Is there a chance I can get him memories of me back?"

"Possibly, but it can't be conformed."

"Well Slender if anyone can do it I can!" M/n said jumping up. "And don't think I didn't notice all our pictures are gone! You better bet I'm putting them all back up!" M/n said and ran back to the house.

Smiling as he put each old picture back on the stands they used to be and the stops on the wall.

"Prince superbia of hell. Heard he was hot let us see. A king in his father's foot steps will he fall or rise to primus circulus." M/n sang as he did so.

"Hello." Said a little girls voice. M/n turned and smiled at the girl.

"Hello, who might you be ma'am."

"Sally Williams."

"Hello Sally Williams, how may I help you."

"Here." She said and handed him a knife before disappearing.


Someone within a memory Where stories live. Discover now