chapter 5 the photos

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I sat now at the dinner table talking with everyone on stories of the first pastas showing pictures I had. "Hey slender?" I asked stopping suddenly finding one photo with him. "I thought you burned all of them." I said smiling slightly. Yet I knew I looked sad.

"What do you mean m/n?" He asked and I turned the photo to him. It was me clearly younger and zalgo hugging for a photo that was.

"Did he ever come back?" I asked and I could tell the others that seen it seemed unsettled.

"He did. Once." Slender said and masky looked at him weird.

"Sir zalgo came more then once if I do recall."

"No not Zalgo you know. The one M/n knew." Slenderman explained

"I told him he would be crumpled. Who bad is it?" I asked looking at him hoping it can be fixed.

"He's gone. All he is now is a memory in that photo." I signed and held the photo close before I set it down to take to my room.

"Oh. Jeffery here." I said and handed him the photo of the dad I have him his knife. I walk holding him on my shoulders in that one as he showed off the shinny knife. "Offender look! My first kill as a proxy!" I happily said showing him the photo of when he took me on my first kill.

"Hehe I remember that! You were a natural" he said smiling with his sharp teeth, still white as snow. I took all the photos back from everyone and safely put them in the box to take to my room. "Slender?"

"Yes M/n?"

"Do I have to..ya know..?" I asked looking at him with hope of a no.

"Of he won't stop for you when he sees you then yes." He said patting m/Ms shoulder lightly.

"I understand sir." M/n said regaining his poster and started to walk to the door.

"M/n. I'm sorry" slender said to him and m/n didn't even turn around to look. He just passed before walking out the door to his room.

"Do you think he will stop for him?" Offender asked, his smile was now a frown he was serious, so we're the others.

"I do believe he will know him. And remember him. And maybe even want to stop but it's been to many long painful years even if he does recognize him it's to late." Slenderman said while the other brothers agreed.

"He will be heart broken if he has to kill him." Trender said.

"I suggest we leave tomorrow night. The sooner the more of a change we won't have to. Even tho it's extremely low." Offender said.

Leaning back in his chair Slenderman looked at his brothers. "I only hope that in his final breaths they can share a last goodbye. As old lovers would." Slenderman said the others nodded and said nothing more on it the whole night.

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