chapter 8 lovers ends

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Zalgos screens echoed thought forest, as each time it was louder and more painful. Has m/n back up his body began to slowly melt and burn. His insides melted the his bones then skin. Bottom to top into that was left was a flaming pile of melted down red flesh the make the area near it stench.

M/n looked up at zalgos arm now with out a leader. And glared as eyes eyes flowed that of the devil and he opened his wings in a threatening manor. That was into they released the rake from his cage and he charged at m/n cutting deep into his gut.

M/n didn't flinch his just simply picked him up by his neck and squeezed as hard as he could into he hard the wounderful 'pop' as blood spilt from the rakes mouth and where m/ns claws dug into his neck. Throwing the rake back over, the creature knew now they had no choice. But to bow before the rightful king.

M/m sent the beasts to hell to deal with the other dwellers that lived there. Before he clenched over hissing in pain. The rakes claws went right through him.

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