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Camilo pov:

she had left and ran out the door with mirabel, I didn't know why but I was worried.

The door was closing softly but then I noticed it being pulled shut quickly. " mami" what was that for I squealed at her. " nothing mi Vida, just exited you know" my mum said with a smile as a rainbow formed above her head.

" Mami that wasn't nothing" I said calmly to her," I just wanted time with my baby so I could learn what happened last night" she said with a smirk, " maybe we'll have to plan another engagement meal soon"she said laughing to herself. " why is eveyone in this family moving so fast with this!" I said angrily.

I took a deep breath in and thought about everything, I really did have feelings for (y/n) and them feelings grew more every day.

" mami" I said softly," do you really think we might end up together". "Si, mi Vida" she replied as she kissed my forehead.

I walked out the door as mami proceeded with her motherly instincts to clean my room. As I opened the door I heard a muffled scream and saw mirabel running for her life down the stairs of the casita. She's going to tell (y/n) what I said, I thought to myself. No, I need to tell her I can't let mirabel do it so I took off after her in hope I would catch her before she told my secret.

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