Chapter 12

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It was just over a day until I had to leave for my tour, and for probably the first time in my life, I really didn't want to go. It didn't help that Bea and I had both been too busy to meet up since our lunch at the diner the previous week. Or at least, I was assuming she was busy. She hadn't told Paul to give me any sort of message, which meant, to my dismay, that I was more likely than not going to leave on tour without having gotten a chance to say goodbye to her.

I let out a sigh, looking at my luggage and trying to think if there was anything else I needed to pack before the phone began to ring, snapping me out of it. I walked over, scooping it up and holding the receiver in place with my shoulder as I kept rummaging through my suitcase.

"Hello this is Gene Simmons speaking," I said.

"Hi Gene."

The phone fell to the floor with a clatter as I bolted upright, shocked at the sound of Bea's voice. I blinked, trying to process things, before diving for the phone, putting it back against my ear with a shaking hand.

"Oh, hey! Beatrice, hey! How-how are you?" I asked, beyond flustered and struggling to collect myself, but the sound of her laugh made me fall apart all over again.

"Did I catch you at a bad time? You seem a little distracted. Or is that me making you feel that way?" she asked, and I bit down on my lip as her voice took on a flirty tone.

"It's never a bad time when you're calling. How'd you get my number?" I asked, sitting back on my heels, giving up on organizing my suitcase.

"I asked Paul for it, and he was nice enough to give it to me, lucky for you. Would you like to come over for dinner? I'd like to see you before you leave," she said, and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Of course. What time?" I asked, and she giggled.

"Right now. You've got a pen and paper nearby? I'll give you my address."

"I'll get one," I said, scrambling to my feet and running to the kitchen, forgetting I was holding onto the phone. The cord grew taut, sending the entire cradle crashing off my bedside table and onto the floor.

"Shit," I said, leaving the phone for a moment to grab a pad of paper and a pencil, scooping the phone back up and sitting on the floor. "Y-yeah I've got one!"

She gave me her address, asking me to hurry up, and I ran out the door as soon as we hung up. It was a surprisingly long cab ride to her place and I walked up the steps to the apartment she told me, hesitating for a moment before raising a hand and knocking. It took a moment before I heard the sound of footsteps and the door opened.

Beatrice gave me a smile, taking my wrist and leading me inside without another word. I was more than happy to follow her, looking around her apartment in awe. Everything was perfectly in place, with not a picture frame even slightly askew. It was all picture-perfect and pristine on the surface, but maybe a little cold, a little impersonal. There weren't any family photos, any very personal touches, not even knick-knacks. It was flawless, but at the same time distant and cold. It suited her, but at the same time it didn't.

"Dinner's on the table," she said, and I caught her wrist, yanking her to a halt and pulling her against me.

"Really? Not even a kiss hello?" I teased, before planting my lips on hers for just a moment, knowing that there would be a better time later for a better kiss.

"Hello to you too," she said with a smile, eyes soft. "But come on, the food is going to get cold!"

The meal was delicious, and actually homecooked, to her credit, and I more than happily ate three plates' worth before rising to my feet.

"I'll do the dishes, you go put on a movie," I said, clearing her plate before she could protest.

It just felt natural, in a way. As if this was how we were meant to be, just a regular couple living a life of domestic bliss, with my wife doing the cooking while I helped with the dishes in repayment for a good meal.

Wife? She wasn't. We weren't even really dating. I didn't even really want to marry anyone.

A pair of arms slipped around my waist and I felt Bea rest her head against my back, letting out a satisfied hum.

"You're so nice to hold, did you know that?" she asked, and I smiled, drying off the last dish before turning around and wrapping her in my arms instead.

"I like to do the holding too, you can't be selfish," I teased. "You get a movie picked out?"

"Mhm!" she said, taking my hand and leading me to the living room, setting me on the couch. "Curse of the Werewolf alright?"

I grinned, pulling her onto my lap, kissing her on the lips and moving to her cheek and neck. "Perfect. I love horror movies."

She pressed play and we lapsed into silence, happy to watch the movie and just be together, although we weren't entirely focused on the film. I kept kissing her face, she responding by doing the same to my neck while I roved my hands up and down her body, testing how far I could go, her fingers absentmindedly undoing some of the buttons of my shirt. I slipped a hand under her blouse, confirming my suspicions that she once again was braless, and she let out a soft, nearly imperceptible moan.

I took that as a go ahead and turned her so we were facing each other more, starting to gently push her back to the couch cushions, beginning to kiss my way down her neck, practically ripping open her blouse in my eagerness, finally greeted with the sight of her perfect breasts. Aphrodite couldn't hold a candle to them.

I didn't hesitate to lavish her breasts with affection, covering her in kisses and love bites, and she moaned a little louder, dainty fingers twisting through my hair. Heart pounding, I continued to shower her in kisses, running a hand down her side and hooking a finger through her waistband, but she caught my wrist.

"Not yet," she said, sitting up with a smile. "But I'll still make you feel good."

I figured out what she meant before I could even ask as she started to undo my belt, getting on her knees in front of me. She only took the time to undress me exactly as much as she needed to, letting out a hum of appreciation as she saw me before she all at once took me in her mouth. Her lips were perfect, like magic when coupled with her tongue, and she began to bob her head, almost struggling to fit all of me in her.

Closing my eyes, I tilted my head back, trying not to come undone all at once, but she was pushing me closer and closer to the edge with every movement, better than anyone I had before. A moan escaped my lips as I grabbed at her hair, almost begging her to go faster, and as if she knew what I wanted she obliged until finally I fell apart. Panting, a sheen of sweat covering my body, I looked at her as she sat back on the floor, just as breathless, before I pulled her back onto the couch beside me, kissing her.

"You're just perfect, did you know that?" I asked, covering her in kisses again, and she gave me a content smile, snuggling against my side and lazily undoing a few more buttons on my shirt so she could rest her hand on my bare chest.

"I've always thought so myself," she said.

"When are you going to let me make you feel just as good as you make me feel?" I asked, and she chuckled, stretching with a yawn, not bothering to close up her blouse.

"Oh don't worry," she said with a smile. "The next time we run into each other, I'll be sure to give you an experience you won't want to forget. Hell, maybe I'll even surprise you on your tour."

She: A Gene Simmons StoryWhere stories live. Discover now