Chapter 20

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Bea and I were a giggling mess as we made it into my apartment building, and as soon as the elevator doors closed behind us I pinned her against the wall, covering her in kisses, starting to undo the buttons on her suit jacket, desperate to strip her clothes off of her and finally see all of her gorgeous body bare before me.

At last we made it to my apartment, and as soon as the door shut behind us, Beatrice immediately started walking toward my bedroom, pulling off her jacket.

"Mm, you still remember where my room is after last time, huh?" I teased, and she grinned.

"It'll be even better since you'll be in your bed this time too," she said, grabbing my collar and yanking me into a kiss.

My hands roved up and down her body, pushing her back to the bed and peeling off her perfectly tailored outfit. It didn't take long at all for us to end up naked, too desperate for each other to bother being seductive about stripping down. I finally hooked a finger through her waistband, unzipping her skirt, and tearing off both her skirt and her panties in one motion.

A hot flush raced through my body as I saw all of her, laying on my bed completely bare before me. She had gotten a lot tanner over the past two and a half summer months, but it suited her perfectly. Her long and slender legs looked even better now that there wasn't a single article of clothing covering them. My eyes traced her entire body, from her perfect breasts to the thatch of dark curls between her legs, and a smile curved my lips. She looked delicious, and I wanted her.

"You hesitated," she said, and I smirked.

"Just admiring the view," I purred, before practically pouncing on top of her.

I lavished her entire body in kisses, leaving love bites all across her chest, wanting her to moan louder, her voice a perfect song. As I paused to pay particular attention to her breasts she twisted her fingers through my hair, tugging at it.

"Please," she panted, and I knew exactly what she wanted.

"Tell me if it hurts," I said, and she nodded breathlessly. I was careful as I lined up with her, wanting to be delicate and gentle with her, showing her how much I love her while also very desperately wanting to fuck her.

"Stop stalling," she groaned, tilting her head back, and I was happy to oblige, pushing deeper and deeper. She winced, and I could see her hands gripping the blankets, knuckles growing white.

"You okay?" I asked, and she nodded, eyes closed.

"Mhm," she said.

I kept going, letting her shift and adjust to get comfortable, before I began to thrust into her. At first there wasn't much response from her and I did my best to adjust, wanting her to enjoy it as much as I already was, going a little faster, and all of a sudden she let out a gasp, gasp turning to a cry of pleasure as I finally found the right spot.

She begged me to hit the perfect spot again and again and I was happy to oblige, able to feel the bedding shift as her fingers and toes curled up with pleasure. At last we finished and I pulled out, opting to just lie beside her in bed.

"You enjoy that?" I asked, giving her a kiss, sweat glistening on us both.

"I did. You were quite wonderful," she said with a smile, stretching with a hum and snuggling closer against me.

"What happened to your arm?" I asked, sliding my hand up her arm and tapping the band-aid on her skin, just below her right shoulder.

She heaved a sigh, rolling her eyes. "I slipped stepping out of the shower, slammed my arm on my medicine cabinet and cut myself on the corner. Hurt like a bitch," she added as an afterthought, and I laughed.

"Aww, poor Bea. You want me to kiss it to make it better?" I teased, plucking at the edge of her band-aid.

To my surprise, she immediately jerked away from me, clasping a hand over her shoulder. "No!" she cried, before a more neutral expression settled over her face. "No, thank you though. I'm your girlfriend, not your kid," she said, trying to rib me right back.

"Mm, true," I said, deciding it was for the best to just not bother to ask what was wrong. "I'm glad you're my girlfriend. I love you."

I hadn't really planned to tell her, I hadn't really meant it, but the words just fell out of my mouth. I couldn't help myself. It was true, really. I did love her. She was perfect, she was everything, I wanted her to be mine. I had been with plenty of women before, but I had never loved one. Not the way I loved her.

There was a pause before she sat up, covers slipping off her bare chest, but I stared at her face this time rather than her breasts. Her eyes were wide, mouth agape. She looked almost comical, like a deer caught in headlights.

"What did you say?" she asked after a pause.

"I...I love you," I repeated, almost nervously, all of a sudden terrified I had made a huge mistake and that I had taken things much too far and that I had pushed her away by telling her I loved her.

She just kept staring, as if she hadn't heard me, or as if she couldn't believe her ears, before a small smile spread across her lips.

"Look at that, you can be romantic after all," she teased, poking me in the ribs, and I laughed, reaching up and grabbing her shoulder, pulling her back to the pillows and wrapping my arms around her, kissing her.

"I do my best."

I didn't care she hadn't said it back. I loved her, and she knew I loved her, and that was all that mattered, that was the first step. That was all that needed to happen for tonight.

We laid in bed in each other's arms, bare bodies pressed against each other, feeling every part of each other, not even necessarily sexually, just wanting to be combined as one person while talking about everything and nothing. The conversation was a blur, but it was perfect, until we ended up falling to sleep in each other's arms.

She: A Gene Simmons StoryWhere stories live. Discover now