Chapter 13

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My lips were pressed against hers, kissing her over and over again as I ran my tongue along her lower lip, and her mouth parted like waves before me. That was all it took for me to slip my tongue in, exploring her mouth, doing a heated battle with hers before establishing dominance, swallowing the moan that escaped her.

"I make you feel good, don't I?" I purred, pulling away just long enough to get the words out, and she nodded, eyes full of stars from the pleasure I was already giving her.

"Don't--don't stop," she breathed, and I attacked her lips again, although I didn't stay there for long.

I nipped and kissed my way down her throat, happy to pause to tear open her blouse and lavish her breasts in affection, and she moaned louder this time.

"You want me, don't you?" I asked, and she nodded breathlessly.


Knowing that she was already close to her tipping point, I unzipped her skirt, pulling it off of her and throwing it aside, hooking a finger through her panties and pulling those off too before getting undressed myself, and she moaned again as she saw me.

"Please--I don't want to wait."

With all the confirmation I needed, I lined up, hands gripping her hips. "Ready?" I asked, and as she nodded I began to enter her.

She let out an incoherent moan of pleasure, shifting to adjust better to my size, and that was all I waited for her to do before I began my work, making her arch her back in pleasure at just the first thrust.

"Oh y-yes--y-yes," she panted, slipping her hands around my neck, pulling me closer, and I was happy to oblige, going faster and deeper and wanting her to scream for more.

Our bodies were a writhing mass of flesh, entwined together like vines growing around a tree trunk, and I was perfectly content to stay like that forever. I thrust in and out of her, each moan from her pink lips sweet music to my ears. I wanted her to moan and scream and beg for more, to be like jelly beneath me, to be everything I wanted her to be, to be perfect and entirely mine. Her body was warm, tight against mine, the two of us becoming one as we continued our sinful dance. She peaked first before I did, although I followed not too far after, withdrawing and leaving her a gasping mess on the bed.

"You enjoy that?" I asked, straightening up, and she smiled, sheen of sweat glistening all across her skin.

"Mhm," she said, stretching with a satisfied moan.

I gathered up her clothes, handing them to her. "Well I'm always happy to give the fans what they ask for," I said, watching as she got dressed.

We exchanged one last kiss before she walked out of my room and out of my life, and I had to admit I didn't feel much of anything as I watched the door shut behind her. She had been good, gorgeous and lively, but she hadn't been perfect. She could never be.

She wasn't Beatrice.

A sigh escaped my lips as I kept staring at the door, half undressed, wishing there would be a knock and I'd find Bea standing on the other side, as desperate for me as I was for her. But she was back in New York. Waiting for me.

I kept staring for a moment, a dirty feeling starting to eat its way through my chest, before I turned away, walking into the bathroom and starting the shower. For probably the first time in my life, I regretted having sex. We weren't really official, we weren't really dating, she told me she didn't mind whatever I did on tour, but I couldn't stop feeling like I had cheated on Beatrice. Like I had broken her trust.

Like I would lose her.

The water was cold as I stepped under the shower, but I didn't care. I didn't deserve a hot shower, not after what I had done. All I could stop thinking was that I had been tested, and I had failed. I let out a heavy sigh, closing my eyes.

"You fucking idiot," I muttered. "Why don't you ever think anything through?"

We had only played one show and I had already broken my promise to Bea. All it took was one night for me to fall apart.

I felt sick as I finished up my shower and got into bed, staring at the ceiling for most of the night. I knew I had to tell her what I had done, and since I didn't have her number that meant I'd have to tell her face to face, I'd have to see the look in her eyes as she realized she had been right to assume I wouldn't be able to stay away from the groupies.

Later that morning, after a fitful night's sleep, I walked down the hall, just desperate to get out of the hotel and go for a walk to clear my head. To my surprise, Paul was standing in the elevator already.

"Oh, hey Gene. Where're you headed?" he asked, and I shrugged, stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"I dunno. Just out," I muttered. "You?"

"I was uh..." he started, before letting out a sigh. "I wanted to go to the art museum and so I was going to see if I could grab some chick to go with me."

His cheeks went red and he turned away from me as soon as the words were out of his mouth, nudging the carpeted floor of the elevator with his toe, tracing one of the looping floral patterns.

I knew what he was going for. He would always do this sort of thing when we went on tour. He'd find places he wanted to go, restaurants or museums or anything else, he'd find some random groupie who of course was willing to spend the day doing anything with Paul so long as she got to do him by the end of the night. It was a perfect setup for Paul, because for a few hours he got to feel a little less alone, even if it was just time spent with someone he'd never see again, let alone actually form a connection with.

"I'll go with you," I said without thinking, and he gave me a startled look.


"To the art museum. I'll go with you. If you want, of course," I said, and there was a pause as he kept staring at me before a small smile settled on his face.

"Thanks. That'd be nice," he said, a warm blush on his cheeks, and I grinned, ruffling his hair, knowing he'd get in a huff about me undoing all the time he spent carefully styling it.

"Yeah, it's been awhile since I've spent any time with you," I said, and he chuckled.

"We see each other all the time, we're in the same band."

"I meant it's been awhile since I've spent any time with you outside of work," I said, rolling my eyes, and all he did was let out an absentminded hum of agreement, a smile still playing at his lips.

She: A Gene Simmons StoryWhere stories live. Discover now