Chapter 27

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I stood on Bea's doorstep after our painting date, giving her a kiss before taking a step back, squeezing her arms. "I leave in a little over a month for tour again and I was wondering if...if you wanted to go on a weekend getaway before I left. I was thinking we could go up to Clayton if you wanted, we could stay for a few days, I know that there's stuff to do, stuff for couples," I said in a rush, terrified she'd say no.

A soft smile spread across her cheeks and she stood on her toes, kissing me. "I would love that," she murmured. "I've really turned you into a romantic."

"You have, and I'm surprisingly grateful for it," I said. "I'll be in a cab waiting for you outside your place at 1pm on Friday?"

"I'll be waiting," she said, and we exchanged one more kiss before I headed home.

Friday afternoon I was walking up the steps to Bea's place again, knocking on the door. It swung open and Bea gave me a wide smile, kissing me.

"Hello you," she said, standing on her toes and kissing me. "Be a dear and take my suitcase?"

"Of course," I said, taking her luggage in one hand and slipping my free arm around her waist, walking down to the cab with her.

"It would be nice if you knew how to drive," she teased. "Then we'd be able to be spending the drive alone."

"Sorry," I said with a shrug, before pouting. "But you could've offered."

"I don't have a car," she said with a sigh, before snuggling up against my side. "But at least on the bright side I can rest in your lovely strong arms."

I let out a hum of agreement, slipping my arms around her and pulling her close against me. We chatted for the 5 and a half hour drive, at last reaching the small, historic town of Clayton. I paid the cab fare and took Bea's hand, walking up to the inn where we were staying, carrying our luggage.

"I had the reservation for the Hacker-Craft house," I said, and the receptionist behind the desk nodded, grabbing a key and motioning for us to follow her after signing me in.

"The Historic Boat Inn? I'm intrigued," Bea said, looking at the sign.

"It seemed nice," I said with a shrug, accepting the key the receptionist handed us, walking into the house with Bea.

"Gene Simmons," she said, turning to look at me with her hands on her hips. "Did you rent the two of us an entire house?"

"I might've," I said sheepishly, and she burst into laughter, slipping her arms around my neck.

"Well, we'll have to take advantage of all these beds," she purred, and I grinned.

"Oh, we absolutely will, my sweet," I said, pulling her into a heated kiss.

It didn't take long at all for us to wind up in one of the three bedrooms, making full use of the king-sized mattress and not even bothering to take the time to completely undress.

Bea laid on my chest after we had finished, head resting on my shoulder. I played with her hair, running my fingers through her curls and tugging gently at them, kissing her every so often. There was a pause before she lifted her head, resting it on her folded arms.

"Have we got other plans for the weekend? Or did you just bring me along for sex?" she teased, and I grinned, tapping her on the nose.

"You know I love you for your personality, right? Although I'm quite satisfied with your body too," I said, running my hand down her back and giving her ass a playful smack.

"You're not answering the question," she said, arching an eyebrow, and I laughed.

"We've got dinner at 7:30, don't worry," I said, and she bolted upright, scrambling off the bed.

"Gene! It's already 7!" she wailed. "I've hardly got any time to get ready!"

"You've got thirty minutes, that's plenty of time!" I protested, and she scoffed.

"For you, maybe! I actually put effort into my appearance," she said, sticking her tongue out at me. "You should've just waited to fuck me."

"You know you don't regret it," I said with a smirk, and she rolled her eyes, cheeks growing pink regardless.

She gathered up a bundle of clothes, about to head into the bathroom to get as freshened up as she could manage in the short timespan before turning to look at me over her shoulder. "Where are we eating?"

"Saint Lawrence Spirits Château. It's riverside, probably semiformal," I said, starting to dig through my own suitcase for some clothes.

With a nod, she walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. I got dressed in slacks and a sport coat, tidying up my hair and putting on some cologne. A few minutes later, the door to the bathroom opened and Bea stepped out, making me feel like my brain was oatmeal like always. Her pale pink silk jumpsuit was unzipped considerably in the front, white heels giving her a few extra inches, although she still couldn't quite reach me.

"You look handsome," she said, walking over and giving me a kiss, and I just let out an incoherent noise in response, overwhelmed with her appearance and unable to speak properly.

It had been months now since we had met, but she still had the same effect on me. With a laugh, she took my hand and squeezed it, leading me out of the house.

"Come on, Romeo. It's five minutes until 7:30, I hate showing up late," she said, and I snapped out of it, hooking my arm through hers and locking the front door behind us.

"Well luckily it's only about a five minute's walk to the restaurant," I said, kissing her on the cheek.

I could see her eyes light up as we reached the restaurant and were seated on the terrace overlooking the river. The sun had just dipped below the horizon, but the sky was still a pale pink, awash with stripes of orange and purple, reflected in the water and in Bea's eyes.

Wordless, I reached across the table and picked up her hand, giving it a squeeze, and she squeezed mine back. We didn't say anything after we had ordered our dinners, just admired the view and the feeling of the river breeze on our skin. She kept staring out across the water, looking at the boats drifting past, but despite the gorgeous scenery I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was far more beautiful than the river, and I was far more in love with her than I ever thought I'd be with anyone.

She: A Gene Simmons StoryWhere stories live. Discover now