Chapter 28

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I stepped out of the bakery, a bag of fresh croissants in one hand and a bouquet of roses in the other, hoping that Bea would still be asleep by the time I made it back to the room. I grabbed some coffee for us too, wishing I had a third hand to carry them and instead just opting to tuck the roses under my arm. It was a beautiful morning, with the sky awash in pink and my breath frosting in the chilly October air. It was a beautiful morning indeed, and it would be become even more beautiful once Bea woke up.

Humming to myself, I unlocked the door to our rented house, heading inside and walking up the stairs, feeling like I was floating on clouds, my footsteps as light as the croissants I had gotten us for breakfast. I was in love with her, more than I had ever been in love with anyone, and she was in love with me. We were happy, life was perfect, and the only thing I wanted to change about my life was the fact I'd have to be away from her while on tour.

Holding my breath, I pushed open the door, smiling. Sure enough, Bea was still a lump under the covers, snoring softly. Her curly dark hair was spilling over the pillows, framing her face like a dark halo. A little bit of drool was running down her chin from the corner of her mouth, but it only made her look more adorable in my eyes. We had gotten home late after a long walk on the beach and had stayed up even later, as evidenced by the fact she was still naked.

"Good morning," I said, stooping over and kissing her on the cheek. "I brought breakfast!"

"Mm good morning," she said, stretching with a hum and keeping her eyes closed, snuggling deeper under the covers. "Toss me a sweater, would you? It's chilly outside of the blankets."

"Well you could always just sit in my arms," I purred, trying to pull the covers off her body, but she just yanked them higher over herself.

I let out a defeated sigh, grabbing a sweater from her luggage and handing it to her. She sat up, tugging it on before I had much of a chance to admire her breasts, giving me a smile.

"Breakfast in bed?" she asked, and I nodded, handing her one of the to-go cups of coffee.

"Of course," I said, kissing her on the cheek and sitting on the edge of the bed beside her, grabbing my own coffee.

We sat and chatted happily as we ate the croissants before she headed off to the shower to get ready while I got dressed. We were going to see Boldt Castle today, and it was hard not to think of Bea and I's relationship as we took a boat ride to the castle. George Boldt had built the castle on Heart Island for his wife, a testament to their love, and I wanted to do something like that for her, for Bea, as a testament to our love.

"Aw, I guess we won't be going for a swim today, since you're not rowing," Bea said, snapping me out of my thoughts and resting her head on my shoulder, giving me a cheeky smile as her hair was blown into my face by the wind.

"Don't worry, I can still throw you overboard if you'd like," I retorted, kissing her, still able to taste strawberries.

We reached the castle, joining a guided tour since the two of us knew a combined nothing about Boldt Castle. I wasn't listening too much to the tour guide though, just mainly watching Bea. She looked ethereal, like she belonged in such a rich and resplendent environment, as if she was made for a place like this, for a life of luxury. I could give it to her. I was rich, KISS was raking in more and more money every year. Maybe I wasn't quite 'massive castle built on a private island' rich, but I was still rich.

I looked at Bea, returning her smile as she caught my eye, watching the same happy pink glow tinge her cheeks. I wanted to take her home and introduce her to my mom. I wanted to introduce her to Paul and Peter and Ace as my girlfriend, I wanted to introduce her to the entire world as my girlfriend, to let the paparazzi see us together, to call tabloid magazines myself and tell them about us. I wanted the whole world to know about me and Beatrice and how much we loved each other.

We finished the tour and ended up walking around the castle grounds by ourselves, hand in hand.

"So what do you think of the place?" I asked, and she giggled.

"Saying it like that makes it sound like we're moving in next month," she said, giving my hand a squeeze, and I smiled.

"If we could, and if you wanted to, we would," I said, and she kissed me on the cheek.

"This is much too big of a place for just the two of us," she said, and I bit down on my tongue, stopping the words from tumbling out, stopping myself from saying that we could always have kids to fill the house. I couldn't say that, not yet, not ever. It hadn't been a year yet, and I didn't want kids anyway. I loved Bea, but I didn't want to have kids. Not even with her.

"Then I guess it works out it's not for sale," I settled on at last, swinging her hand absentmindedly as we walked. "Did you enjoy the tour though?"

"Of course I did," she said with a fond smile. "I'm on a place called Heart Island with my boyfriend, walking around an absolutely gorgeous castle. What on earth have I got to be unhappy about?"

"Hopefully nothing," I said, looking fondly at her and giving her a kiss, finding myself wishing once again that I didn't have to go on tour, that there never had to be anything that came between us ever again.

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