miriam + mei

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turning red spoilers

this takes place when they're on the roof at tylers party

"mei?" miriam turns to look at the girl.
"what if you didn't do the ritual? what if you just kept the panda?" miriam continues.
"what do you mean mir?" mei replies confused.
"well, you've really changed since the panda came!"
"i mean you just seem like yourself more.. like you really found your personality!"

"miriam." mei says.
"if i skipped the ritual my mom would flip and so would almost everyone else in my family.."
"and plus all their hopes and dreams are pinned on me!"
"it's just overwhelming."

"i know but you've really changed and.. i'm really proud of you mei."
"just don't let it all go to waste. y'know?"
"we've had so many fun memories with your panda and i just think that you've finally found yourself mei." she softly smiles at mei.

"YEAH!! none of this would've happened without you and your panda mei!" abby says enthusiastically.
"i mean we're going to see 4 town soon!"

"yeah, mei. you've honestly grown since this happened." priya says.
mei grins a tiny bit and looks at the other three, "maybe it wouldn't be so bad if i kept my panda.."

when mei looks away for a bit, miriam motions for priya and abby to go on with a 'plan'. this plan was most likely for miriam and mei to be alone as priya and abby then did this.

"hey, guys not to be a bother but i think i'm gonna hang out with (goth girl, act like she said a name 💀)." priya states getting up on her feet.

"yeahh, same!" abby says hurrying to keep up with priya.

mei turns to miriam with a questioning look.
"well, that was interesting?"
"but anyways im probably gonna-"
"mei. i need to tell you something"

"hm?" mei responds adjusting herself.
"i- when i'm around you i always get this weird feeling like.. y'know the feeling you get around 4-town and devon but more real..?"

"mei- i think it's love. and after all this time we've known each other-"
mei cuts her off, "i like you too miriam." she says weakly.
"wait what"

"lord, you are an idiot mir."
"i'm going home now."
"wait- is that a yes to being my girlfriend?"
mei kisses her forehead, "of course mir."
she smiles after going to jump down the roof.


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