truth or dare (priya)

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request -

(this is definitely on time btw)priya x gn!reader (i think 😨)

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(this is definitely on time btw)
priya x gn!reader (i think 😨)

y/n sighed as they sat in a circle with the rest of their friends.
tyler had insisted that they all play truth or dare and everyone seemed to be with it except them.

"okay so who goes first?" miriam asked looking around.
"mm how about mei?" abby suggests.
"me?!" mei says.

"yes you mei, anyways truth or dare?" tyler says.
"uh truth?" mei responds.
"do you like someone?" he asks slyly.
"no." mei deadpans making tyler wince.
"sorry.." he mumbles waiting for her to move on.

"anyways, y/n truth or dare?" mei asks them.
"mm, truth." they say.
"do you have a crush?" their friend asks catching them off guard.
"huh?!" y/n says.
"you heard me." mei says, "fess up i know you do."
"shut up.." y/n mutters rubbing their temple. they noticed everyone had their eyes on them making it even worse. priya had a different expression though looking eager to hear what her friend had to say but also looking a bit hurt.
"i- do i have to?" y/n sighs.
"yes!" mei says cheerfully.

"fine it's priya." they mumble.
"whooo?" mei says teasingly.
"you have to speak up n/n."
"priya!" y/n says loudly glaring at mei.
they avert their eyes from mei looking at priya seeming flustered.
miriam wiggles her eyebrows at y/n making them stick their tongue out at her.
"god you're all annoying." they curse under their breath but loud enough for them to hear.
"even priya?" abby asks.
"no.." y/n says biting their lip praying priya wasn't paying attention.

she in fact was doing the opposite, staring at you as you got teased by your friend group just admiring your features.
priya just sighed moving over towards y/n, " can i talk with you?" she whispers to them.
"yeah?" y/n says hesitantly hoping she wouldn't reject them.

priya had pulled y/n into another room taking a deep breath before finally speaking to them.
"if it makes you feel better i like you back and i wanted to know if you would date me?"
"of course." y/n says grinning.
"i mean i basically just confessed my love to you back there y'know?"
"you make fun of our friends and then go on to act like this?"
"i'm just so charming aren't i?"
"shut up.."

a/n: sorry for falling off the face of the earth 😍
i doubt your still in the fandom but here's your request 😭

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