tyler x reader

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request !! by @OscarsStudios
also sorry if this is more of just a friend thing 😭
i didn't have a exact plot for this one
not my best 🙁🙁
reader pov

everyone these past days had been worried about the 4 town tickets.
the days were counting down and i think mei was stressed out the most.
i mean she was the one who thought of most of this so..?
i'm just hoping that tonight goes okay.

tyler, today at free period told mei he wanted to throw a birthday party for himself and if she was there that everyone would be there.
for some reason, mei had accepted.

i don't see it as a bad thing though i guess.
i've never told any of my friends about this but i honestly don't despise tyler as most people i know do.
i think he's a pretty decent guy when he's not making fun of people.
his real personality is pretty nice and i think i'm pretty excited for the party.!

time skip

it had been around 40 minutes since the party had started and mei hadn't shown up.
i glanced over at tyler and noticed he looked disappointed.
"hey... what about some yahtzee?" miriam said trying to get people to have fun.
i looked at her and she shrugged.

a few minutes later someone knocked at the door.
"is that her?" some kid said excitedly.
abby ran towards the door, "MEI-..?"
she had shown up in a cardboard box.
a few kids starting laughing at her attire.
tyler, at this point just looked fed up.


thankfully, mei had saved the party by helping everyone be alive.
priya and the goth girl were talking while miriam and mei were dancing.
i was talking to abby until tyler approached us.
"what do you need?" abby said.
god, this is starting off great.
"chill, i just wanted to talk with y/n." he replied somewhat calmly?
"yeah ok." i hopped up from my seat to follow him.
unfortunately i could feel abby glaring at us the entire way to the other side of the pool.

"so, uh. congratulations for being the only person in your dork group to not completely annoy me." he says.
"I'm flattered." his cheeks tint a little bit at my response. 'huh?'
"ugh, sorry i'm really bad at this. but getting to the point.. i thought maybe we could be friends?"
"i wouldn't oppose the idea."
"so.. like wanna shoot some hoops...?"
"sure why not." i say giggling at how awkward he is.

part 2?

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