priya x gn reader

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priya had always admired how you expressed yourself.
you weren't afraid to talk about your interests and were overall a generally cheerful person.
the other girls had suspected priya's 'admiration' for you and decided to help priya with asking you out.

"are you sure this is a good idea." priya states looking at the other three.
"i promise priya!" mei says cheerfully.
"yeah, in no time you and [name] will be together!" miriam grins.
priya sighs, "if this goes wrong i will not show up at school the for next month." she then walks off to her class.
"oh god." miriam says looking at abby and mei.
"[NAME] DONT LET US DOWN!" abby shouts.

it was history class.
you happened to share this class with miriam and priya.
miriam sat infront of you and priya sat next to you.
you were writing down notes on a video that was playing when someone slid you a note.
it was priya.
she never passed notes or anything of the sort so you looked at her confused.
none the less you read the note,

meet me behind the bleachers free period.

you put the paper in the pocket or your jacket and raised your hand.
"sir, can i go to the bathroom?"
the teacher looked at you while turning off the video.
"yeah, take your stuff." you got out of your seat and were at the bleachers as soon as the bell rang.
you liked being early to things like this.
you saw priya, miriam and mei walking that way. abby was spending her free period with another friend.

"maybe, she's just-" mei starts.
"oh hi [name]!" she smiles.
priya clears her throat, "[name]. follow me."
we both go behind a tree.
"why'd you call me here?" you ask.
"well i have something to tell you." you could notice her getting anxious.
this was new to you.
normally around you priya would barely show emotion.
"i like jess-"
you laughed at her actions, "this is the most disorganized i've seen you."
"well, i have to leave." you say kissing her forehead.
"maybe a sleepover on saturday?"
"yeaaaaahhhhh." priya says very red.
you smile heading off, "see you!"

a/n: not proof read bc of tiredness

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