"tutors." (miriam x mei)

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a/n: two ppl requested it and normally these ones don't take me as long so if this comes out before the other requests i apologize 😭


miriam was devastated.
she was failing math and if she didn't bring up her grade her mom wouldn't let her go to 4-town.
she knew if she didn't she would let her friends down especially mei.
she was doing something she hadn't done almost ever before just to go to 4-town.
so, her teacher recommended a tutor!
the thing is this tutor wasn't any random person..
it was mei.

miriam pov

today was the first day of tutoring sessions and i was just gonna give in to failing at this point.
of course mei was one of my best friends but i have never hung out with her outside of school.
she was always cleaning.
but that's besides the point, the FIRST time we hang out outside of school is going to be her tutoring me.
oh my god.


eventually, mei arrived at miriams house.
for some reason she seemed really excited about this.
typical mei.
"anyways, mir let's start."
mei started talking about random math things but miriam wasn't paying attention.
she was too lost in mei's eyes and how passionate she seemed about this.
"miriam?" mei questioned.
the girl had been staring at her for quite a while with no dramatic responses to her corny math jokes.
"oh- yeah mei?"
"soo, with what you learned answer the question on the homework!"
'oh god.'
"meii, so what if we took a break!"
"like maybe talk about our crushes or something i don't know-"
"hm, i wouldn't oppose to the idea."
miriam wanted to explode at this moment.
mei, of all people just accepted her offer to talks about crushes.
"well i'll start!" mei starts.
"they are one of my best friends. we're almost opposites but they still somehow managed to make me fall for them. they hate math, i love math and more. i just wish they knew how i feel." mei finishes looking up at miriam.
"well, what about you?" mei says slightly grinning.
"uh- well, she is an absolute math nerd. her math jokes while being extremely corny always make me laugh a little bit. her smile is just so pretty and i hope she reciprocates my feelings."
mei quickly caught on to who miriam was describing.
"i like you too."

a/n - i'm so nice
i hate how this turned out so i basically scrapped it.
but it's done enough to post so 💔
anyways most requests on are there way
have a nice day/night!

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