priya x reader

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a/n: my first post in years 💀💀

——"hey, you guys up for a sleepover tonight?" mei says making her way over to the friend group

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"hey, you guys up for a sleepover tonight?" mei says making her way over to the friend group.
"yeah sure!" priya says closing her locker.
"a sleepover.. at your house?" miriam questions.
"yeah! my mom agreed."
"YEAH!" abby says.
"uh, what time?" y/n says.
"6:30!" mei grabs her books and heads off to her class.
"see you guys later!"

i arrive at mei's house ringing the doorbell.
"oh hey y/n." priya says opening the door.
"welcome." she says stepping away.
"soo, we're gonna watch a movie then go to my room and just do whatever." mei says starting a movie

a little bit later in mei's room i sit in between miriam and priya.
"soo, let's play a game!" mei says cheerfully.
"maybe like a board game"
"MONOPLY!!" abby calls out.
"oh god." i say looking at priya.

a while later while the others were still playing monoply i got a bit tired.
priya was already in her sleeping bag reading so she could sleep, so i thought it might be a good idea to try and sleep as well.
"hey, i'm gonna get some sleep. have fun with your monopoly game!"
i climb into my sleeping bag and fall asleep.

i wake up to complete silence and the lights being out.
"what the.."
i open my phone and see it's 1am.
i look to my side and priya is still awake.
i decide not to bother her for a bit.
i attempt to sleep for a bit then give up.
i sigh, "priya?"
she looks over at me, "hm?"
"i uh- can't sleep. do you think maybe you could.. help me? i don't really it's fine if you don't want to-"
"y/n, just cuddle with me."
i hear silent laughing, "here." she says allowing me into her sleeping bag.
i felt sleepier after we did as she said.
"mm, night." i say.
"goodnight." she responds.

ming walks in the morning to wake the girls.
she sees y/n and priya.
she sighs, "mei mei and her friends."
she cleans up their unfinished monoply game.

a/n: have a nice day everyone!
i'm rlly tired and i've been busy this week so the posts have gone down
i apologize 🙁🙁

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