That Night [multi-ship] Pt.1

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idontwannabeyouanymore- Billie Eilish


Elena will go back on this moment in her life and think 'this is when it happened'

This I where I fucked up.

Because she doesn't love Damon, and probably never will.

"You're lying to me, and you're lying to Stefan, and most of all you're lying to yourself."

She's not lying to anyone. She loves Stefan. She loves the way he looks at her. She loves the fact that he took the time to memorize every sweet spot on her body. She loves the way his hand rests on her legs so comfortably. She loves that he would do anything to protect her.

Damon grabbed her face and kissed her. It takes her about 14 seconds to realize she's kissing him back.

Damon Salvatore tastes like bourbon and warm copper. Her fingers grab his hair to bring him closer. He's a good kisser.

Stefan is better

She gasps when he lifts her up, long legs instinctively wrapping around his hips. The vampire pushes her onto the bed.

A bed she had shared with Stefan last night. A bed she fuckes her boyfriend in.

The thought doesn't stop her from grinding her hips up. He moans into her neck and goosebumps prickle her body. Damon sits up, standing in between her legs. He carefully, almost cautiously, pulls down her pajama short.

She pulls off his jacket and shirt. He does the same.

She is only in her panties while he is only without a shirt. They're kissing as she tries to unbuckle his pants.

Her own breathing is so loud that she doesn't hear the front door open. She doesn't hear Jenna saying 'She's in her room'. And she definitely doesn't hear the footsteps in front of her bedroom door.

The door is jerked open.

Stefan and Jenna are standing there.

Elena jumps us from under Damon. She heaps her tank top and pulls it over her head quickly. Jenna is looking at her in disbelief. Her aunt has a hand over her mouth and judging eyes.


Oh, Stefan.

He's not looking at her. He's looking at the bed. Damon doesn't look guilty, but he doesn't look cocky either. He looks tired.

Stefan isn't looking at her, and she hates it. Elena starts spewing the same words over and over.

"I'm sorry. Stefan, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please, Stefan, I'm sorry." She cries hysterically while trying to grab his arm.

There are tears in his forest green eyes that don't drop. After standing like a statue he finally moves.

He shakes off her grip violently and starts walking down the stairs. She can't see his face but she is chasing after him.

She tries to block him when he opens his car door. He simply moves her out of the way. It surprises her. Stefan had never physically moved her, he always used his words.

She watches his red sports car driveway in ashamed tears.

Damon walks out of the opened front door. He gives her a look before walking down the street, the way Stefan's car went.

Jenna walks out into the street and grabs her niece by the arm. Elena can tell she's disappointed.

Hell, she's disappointed in herself.

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