Snakes Blood [HP x TVD]

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cellophane- FKA twigs

Katherine x fem!Tom Riddle

The air is different in London. It is not crisp or fresh when inhaling. It doesn't have the slightly salty undertone that makes the back of your throat tingle. It does not flow through your nose when you're trying to catch your breath.


The air in London is sour. It tastes like charred coals that were used for cooking fish. It clouds your lungs and clogs your sinuses. It hangs low in the air with pollution and smog. One could say it is because of the overpopulation in this specific area, but that's not it.

Hogwarts holds over a thousand children, and it has never been this polluted.

A small bell rings from above the entrance door and everyone looks up. The girl pushes back a sopping wet black hood that did nothing to protect her from the pouring rain.

She walks slowly to the line of people who are waiting for something as simple as a cup of coffee. They all look rushed. A woman is tapping her foot impatiently, a man is checking his expensive watch every 2 and a half minutes.

As if their time is valuable.

"What can I get for you, dear?"

She debates on using the Cruciatus curse on the little old hag for simply using a pet name. But instead of bloodshed, she smiles; it's perfect and pristine.

"Just a black coffee."

The wrinkled old bat gave her a secretive smile.

"For your father?"

The young girl's pretty face immediately dropped into a cold look that could send shivers down anyone's spine and the sweet shine in her eyes dulled out.


The woman looked a little shocked but masked it quickly.

"Alright, and what is the name for it? First and last please, I have so many customers with the same name."

"Tallia Riddle."

"Oh, what a pretty name, for a pretty girl." She smiled while writing the name on the side of a plain white paper cup.

Tallia didn't return the smile or compliment. She got them enough.

The bitter drink only took 3 minutes to make. It tasted cheap and weak.

Like muggles.

She truly just needed the rain to stop. Her clothes were starting to stick to her arms. Blood and rain had soaked her dark trench coat and was beginning to dry rather uncomfortably, creating a sticky layer of shine on Tallia's covered porcelain skin.

Killing your muggle grandparent then grabbing a coffee afterwards.

Maybe Avery was right when he called her a sociopath.

Oh well, what could she do?

She sipped on the scolding liquid and started out the window, wondering if one day she would be able to stop the rain on command. She watched the people of the town hurry across the paved brick roads; some holding umbrellas, some walking without. Water puddled at the curbs and taxis and black cabs littered the air with a smell of diesel.

What the heir of slytherin didn't know was that there was a pair of dark chocolate eyes watching her every move.


The summer at the orphanage was less than eventful. Fortunately, all of the nuns were terrified of the Riddle girl and let her do whatever she pleased.

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