All you can give [Davina x OC] Pt.1

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Hard feeling/Loveless- Lorde

12 years old

It started with a tap on her shoulder. Before, she hated the events her mom made her go to. She didn't give a flying fuck about her ancestors. She was 12 years old, the only thing she cared about was how to shave her legs without getting razor burn.

But that day changed things forever. Davina sat at one of the dark oak tables. Her mother had told her to 'stay put' and now she was bored. Bastianna and her mother kept glancing at her and whispering. Monique should have been there sitting with her, but her best friend happened to have a "cold"- really she just wanted to stay home and talk to her new boyfriend on the phone all night.

Then she felt it.

A delicate tap on her right shoulder, making her stop picking at the hole on the sleeve of her blue dress.  Davina dreaded turning around and having to listen to yet another adult asking about how much she has been practicing her magic. The green-eyed girl turned around and was shocked not to find an adult, but a girl her own age. She had fiery, wild red hair. It was the first thing Davina could focus on. It looked like her head was on fire.

The girl had her hands folded in front of her, a large metal-full smile on her face.

"I love your dress."

Those were the first words.

The little witches mouth dropped open, Davina was dumbfounded. Of course she got compliments.. but this felt different. She sounded so genuine.

"I- umm, thanks" she mentally slapped herself. The girl giggled and sat down next to Davina, patting down the puffy emerald dress she was wearing.

"I'm Miles. Miles Whitewood." The name fit her perfectly.  Davina couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm Davina Claire." She replied proudly. Her mother always told her to be proud of her name. Miles scooted closer to her and her chair made a god awful screeching noise. Davina couldn't look away from the girl's crystal blue eyes, they sparkled so beautifully from the lanterned light that was seated in the middle of the table.

"Do you wanna know a secret?"


The red headed girl licked her lips.

"I hate these parties."

Davina burst into giggles, and so did Miles.

14 years old.

Davina was frustrated. The brunette was seated on the grass in her backyard. She bit the inside of her cheek. Hard. Why was it suddenly so hard to grow a freaking rose bush? She had always been a gifted witch. Her mother always bragged about her, but at the moment it felt impossible to do a simple spell.

She was on the verge of tears when she heard the back door creak open. Curly red hair and cream colored skin emerged outside. Miles smiled at her with pearly teeth. She smiled more now that her braces had come off and she finally learned how to manage her copper main with proper curling creams and sometimes a flat iron.

She walked down the porch and sat next to Davina in the lush green.

Miles looked down at the sprouting bush and then at Davina. "Hey D, whatcha doin?"

The Claire witch glared at the ground.

"Failing." She huffed. Miles stared at her with curious crystal eyes before gripping Davina's hands in her own. She squeezed with excitement.

"Well, take a break.." The green eyed girl let out a whine when Miles squeezed a little too hard. "...because I have neewwws." Her voice was high and squeaky. Davina laughed at her best friend's squeal.

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