That Night Pt.2

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Stefan doesn't know what to do. So, he stares. Not at Elena as she struggles to get on her tank top, but at the bed. It's messed up and his brother is lounging on it like a cat.

Damon's shirtless and his belt is on the carpet.

So he stares. He can't hear Elena's sobs of apology until she grabs his arms and shakes. Those hands that were touching him had just unbuttoned his brother's pants.

The thought makes him shake her off. He turns around and walks down the stairs without thinking. His mind is in a fog of old memories.

The same face smirking over his older brother's half naked body, inching her finger at him to come closer.

Naivety should not feel so nostalgic.

Elena blocks his car, her face is all tears and spit. He grips her shoulders and moves her with more care than he feels she deserves at this moment.

The drive home feels long.

Tears never fall from his eyes. He walks through the door and goes over to sit on the couch, silence is his only company.

I want to call Lexi

The thought makes him burst into tears. Ugly wet sobs choke him up, throat constricting painfully.

He tries to swallow, steady his breathing, anything that could calm himself down.

This should hurt less. I have already been though this, so why does it hurt so fucking badly?

He knows though.

He knows that it hurts because no matter what, Elena is not Katherine. Different things bring them joy, sadness, and their personalities conflict with one another. Soft but firm and bold but coy.

They aren't the same.

So it's not about them, it's about him.

Him being the first choice but never the final. His love becoming something predictable. Never all consuming, never free, never reckless.

The sound of breathing makes him lift his head from his hands.

Damon stands in front of him, clothed but looking more disheveled than he had when he was on top of Elena.

They stare at each other, tears slipping down Stefan's cheeks into the corner of his lips. Damon opens his mouth, then shuts it.

So, they just stare.

He doesn't have enough energy to throw a punch. He doesn't want to rage and scream or fight.

Damon takes a step closer and Stefan can smell Elena, Katherine, and bourbon soaked into his brother's skin.

He gags.

"I'm sorry, Stefan."


"Stef, come on jus-"

Stefan stands up from the couch and walks to the staircase. He sleeps in a guest room.

The sheets smell old, like brisk dust.

But at least they don't smell like Elena.


They don't talk for two weeks. Stefan doesn't really know what to say. Damon seems worse than him and it's a little funny.

You almost fucked my girlfriend and you want to cry?

He washed his bedding. Three times. He put all of Elena's things in a box and sat it down by the front door. He lit all of his favorite scented candles and threw away the extra toothbrush in his bathroom.

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