Cherry flavored affair [Steroline]*

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The other woman- Lana Del Rey

1x19-Miss Mystic Falls

Stefan is hungry. He's at a fucking pageant that means nothing to him. He debates on leaving.. Elena would still have Damon to keep her company.

Animal blood is cold and tastes like shit.
Elena is angry with him because he's drinking human blood.

It's from blood bags. Its not like he's hurting anyone, so why is she being so fucking judgemental? Damon tells her because he's in love with her.

If she didn't have Katherines face, Damon would have ripped out her throat a long time ago. It's a reality that none of them mention; that Elena is only wanted because she looks like Katherine.

Damon gives them a pained smile after dropping the bomb.

"I'll be downstairs, drinking."

Selling out your own brother just to taste Elena Gilbert.

Pathetic, Damon.

Stefan grins at him as he walks pass, it's a silent fuck you but Damon is his brother so he gets the message.

Elena is staring at him like he was caught doing something wrong.

Stefan is a vampire.

They hunt,

They feed,

Somtime's they fuck,

And then they kill.

A delicious and disgusting way of life.

"I'm fine." He tries, but she backs away when he steps towards her.

"I'm fine. The blood doesn't change anything." It's a lie and he knows it. The blood makes him better. He feels alive for the first time in 50 years.

Her heart is racing, she's scared of him. He doesn't want her to be, but he can't change it. The tension in the room grows by the second; why can't Elena get over herself and calm down already?

She doesn't act this way around Damon and he kills people on the regular.

"It's changing you." She glares.

He scoffs. Changing him? Does this girl really think that she knows him that well? Stefan wonders why he started dating her. She will never accept that he's not a human.

He kills and he likes it. It shouldn't be his problem that she can't deal with who he truly is.

He opens up his mouth to say more, but the door creeps open and a head of golden, perfectly ringed hair comes into the room.

Caroline looks up at both of them then grimaces.

"Oh, my god, I'm so sorry. I'll just come back when you're do-"

"N-No, it's ok, Care. We're, talking." Elena cuts her off. She gives Stefan a look and walks out the door with her dress wrapped onto her arm.

The door shuts and it's only the vampire and the cheerleader. Caroline offers him a quick smile before walking over to a certain make-up table.

She sits and adds some finishing touches to her makeup, Stefan watches in silence. He's still standing in the middle of the room.

Stefan never took the time to notice how beautiful Caroline was. Pretty blonde hair, creamy skin, pink lips and her seafoam blue eyes.

She's gorgeous and preppy.

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