Clint Barton/ Hawkeye- How You Meet

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You had been an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D for the last few years but had only ever been on solo missions or missions with your SO during your beginning years.

Today was different though, Director Fury contacted you telling you that there was a mission that you'd be good to work on. It was originally for Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton, who you have heard of due to them being two of the heroes in the New York invasion, and were well known through S.H.I.E.L.D.

Even though it was for them, Agent Romanoff was on another mission with Captain Rogers, so you had been asked to be Agent Barton's partner. You had never met him before but you knew that he was one of the best agents here.

You'd been told to meet Agent Barton in the gym, as prior to your mission it was best to get to know one another and train for a bit as the mission didn't start until tomorrow.

Just on time you arrived at the gym to see the man you were supposed to meet. Although you had never met him you recognised him due to admiring his work as an agent.

"Hello, you must be Agent Barton," you smiled.

"Hello, I am, you must be Agent Y/S/N," he said in return not showing any expression on his face.

"Yeah but you can call me Y/N."


It unnerved you how blank his facial expression was, compared to the warm smile plastered on your face. The smile dropped from your face as he simply stood there.

"I've heard a lot about you. You are one of the most admirable agents here at SHIELD. I never thought I'd be asked to work with the best. Honestly when Fury asked me to work on this mission, I was sure he mixed me up with another agent," You rambled on attempting to make civilised conversation and to get him to show some sort of emotional expression, but instead he stayed with his lips firmly placed in a straight line.

"Thank you I think," he stated, "Obviously you are good agent, Coulson spoke very highly of you."

"Thank you," you smiled.


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