Pietro Maximoff- Naked (h)

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Dialogue Prompts- 6."Is there a reason you're naked in my bed?"

It was extremely hot in New York. You wouldn't say you were fond of the heat however it did mean that you didn't have to constantly wear a jacket whenever you went out which was definitely an upside to things.

You had just been out for a run as your brother was the one to suggest the run. He didn't seem to grasp the concept of 'it is hot, why do you want to do exercise?'

You walked into the living room where all of the Avengers sat excluding your boyfriend Pietro "You look so happy" Natasha commented causing you to laugh lightly "My brother made me do exercise in this heat" Tony smirked "Remind me to thank him later. This is entertaining" you glared at him "Shut it Stark"

You went to the kitchen in order to get a drink as you forgot to take a bottle of water with you and your brother decided to not let you have any of his. See how nice he is.

"Where's Piet?" you asked no one in particular, sitting on the arm of Steve's chair "I do not know" Wanda answered "He went for a shower at some point but I have no clue where he is now" Bruce chimed in and you smiled at him "Thanks. I need a shower" you stood up.

You walked into your room and you were surprised at the sight you saw. Pietro was asleep in your bed under a blanket wearing nothing. You smiled to yourself deciding not to question him until after your shower.

You had your shower and by the time you had gotten changed into clean clothes Pietro was just waking up.

He sleepily looked over to you and smirked "I just missed the show" he said in his husky morning voice but his accent just adds that little bit more too it "Such a shame" he sighed jokingly.

You sat on the side of the bed that Pietro wasn't occupying "Is there a reason you're naked in my bed?" he chuckled "Darling, it is over 40 degrees outside. In here isn't that much cooler" you laughed and he pouted.

"You can't blame me" you shrugged "I can't, but why my bed?" he chuckled "Well, I don't have an explanation for that one" you ran your hand through his silver coloured hair "I like it when you do that" he sweetly said as he turned on his side to face you better.

Within moments your boyfriend was asleep again.


Written by Hannah.

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