Loki Laufeyson- Drunk/Regret (h)

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One Word Prompt- 9. Drunk + 47. Regret

You took a sip of your drink whilst you sat on the sofa furthest away from all of the commotion. You were at yet another one of Tony Stark's, rather frequent, parties. You would much rather be somewhere else right now but unfortunately you didn't get that option.

You were invited here by Tony but you had no real intention to come until your boyfriend's brother dragged you along with him and you couldn't really say no to Thor considering he is twice your size and strength.

Someone sat down next to you and placed their arm around your shoulder. Because of the cold touch you came to the conclusion that it was Loki and if it wasn't Loki then Loki would have hurt the poor guy who sat next to you.

"What is wrong my Queen?" he asked and you smiled looking to him "Nothing Loki, I just wanted to sit down for a while" you said and he nodded "That is a fair excuse" he said with a smirk on his face.

You leant into Loki's touch even more, he comforted you and you enjoyed being able to spend time with him. The two of you decided to start people watching, as creepy as it may sound it was something that you found very enjoyable.

"Look at her" you said pointing to a woman with long brown hair but it had red highlights all through it "I am rather glad you don't have that hair colour" Loki said chuckling "Would you still love me if I did?" you asked pulling puppy dog eyes "I would love you no matter what Y/N" he said kissing you sweetly.

What type of people does Tony invite to his parties? There was a man wearing one of the most hideous shirts ever known to man and there was a woman wearing, what looked like, florescent yellow knee high boots; you wouldn't lose her in a crowd, that's for sure.

You noticed Tony dancing on the bar top singing 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' at the top of his voice "He is so going to regret that" you said trying not to burst out laughing "Why?" Loki asked and he sounded confused.

"Well, Natasha has her phone out" you pointed to Natasha who was filming Tony with a smirk on her face "I bet, by tomorrow lunchtime. Her video will be all over YouTube" you said with a hint of amusement in your voice.

"Tony is only acting like that because he is drunk though"


Written by Hannah.

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