Bruce Banner- Pregnant (c)

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The best news had been told to you and your husband Bruce. You had found out you were pregnant, he was petrified that not only would his genes be based on but also those of the 'other guy'.

Neither of you knew whether you child would turn into a green rage monster, but you were prepared for the worst and hoped for the best. There was nothing that could really tell either of you whether the baby would be like it's Father, but wither way you were both ready to love your child when they were born.

As you had only just found out about your pregnancy, you were both getting ready to telling people about it. You decided that the Avengers were the most important people in your lives so you had to tell them.

You got the other Avengers to sit down with you in the living area of Stark Towers. You were sat next to Bruce, him holding your hands in your lap.

"We have something we'd like to tell you guys?" Bruce smiled softly.

"Y/N's pregnant," Clint stated.

You looked at Bruce. Did he tell him? Bruce looked equally as shocked that he knew but to be honest it wasn't too surprising that he knew.

"Thanks Barton," you sighed.

"Wait so there is a baby Avenger on the way?" Natasha smiled.

"Yeah, I guess," you smiled in response.

Bruce moved one of his hands away from yours and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you to his chest, pressing his lips to your temple.

"How did this happen?" Tony questioned.

You looked up at your husband once again slightly confused.

"Tony sweetie. I think you've reached the mental age that we can finally tell you where babies come from. When a Mummy and a Daddy love each other very much-" You started to speak in a patronising tone but Tony cut you off. Everyone else was stifling their laughter.

"I understand how this happened. Just not how this happened."

"Elaborate?" Bruce asked.

"Code green's happen when you get angry, due to an increased heart rate. And when you to copulated, your heart rate must have increased a lot, unless I've been doing it wrong all these years, but from the ladies responses I highly doubt that. So what I mean is how to you impregnate her without literally ripping her to shreds in turning into the other guy," Tony stated.

Looking at your husband you could see his cheeks becoming crimson.

"Stark, that is for us to know, and you to never find out," you smiled, before turning back to Bruce, "We need to get our own house, I don't know if I can handle our child spending so much time with him and ending up anything like that."

"Hey," Tony exclaimed, "At least your kid will be smart, and completely awesome.

You raised an eyebrow.


Written by Charlotte.

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