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First Person POV, Chifuyu

One of the biggest lies society has ever fed to the world was "All Men Are Created Equal." I believe that about as much as the average adult still believes in the Easter Bunny.

Everything is revolved around these things called Quirks. From your character traits to even your destiny. If you have a Quirk that involves consuming blood? Everyone goes, "Oh no, you are going to be a villain! Stay away from me!" If you have a flashy Quirk (it can literally be flashy as well), everyone is all like, "Oh wow! You are gonna be a great hero! You're so cool! May I have your autograph?"

It's disgusting. No wonder Junko wants to turn the world upside down with her idea of "Despair." She probably saw all of this "Hopeful Society" bullshit (her words not mine) and was like, "Fuck that noise! Bring on the mayhem and let the blood flood the streets!" While I do not agree with my senpai's ideals (as my big sister nearly got involved with her in the worst way possible, though that wasn't entirely by Junko's hand per se but some people who had the same idea as her, but that is a story for another time), but she does raise a few fair points on the matter.

Even before I encountered Junko and her fraternal military twin sister, I already knew that the world is unfair and unkind. Chiaki and I learned this when our parents pretty much left us to fend for ourselves. While Chiaki was a planned child, I, on the other hand, was not; I was kind of a "surprise pregnancy" and I received worse treatment from both of our parents. Chiaki tried to fill the role of being my parent, but she is only a kid, albeit just a couple of years older than me. She never held any ill will against me, even when her Quirk manifested on time and mine didn't (at least not then), and for that I will always be thankful. Her Quirk, which is dubbed "Level Up", also became a help for us to survive while both our parents left us alone for extended periods of time, especially since her Quirk can bring forth items that can replenish health or enhace one's abilities such as agility or stamina, which was a big help in terms of food and sometimes first aid. And the best thing about Chiaki? She never let her Quirk define her as a person. She never lets it get to her head, even when our parents praised her while they mostly ignored me since I had no Quirk. And when they did pay attention to me it was nothing but disgust on their faces. And when they began to abuse me physically, Chiaki would interfere, summoning things like a magical shield to protect me.

So when she isn't around they would attack me and threatened me to keep quiet or else. So I began to spend more time outside the house to avoid them. I have even began to cut classes even though I have good grades, as the bullying at school began to become too much as well on top of my problems at home.

Chiaki must have noticed something was very wrong because after confronting me when our parents were out and getting the truth out of me, she then involved our cousin Chihiro, who's a programming prodigy and has a Quirk that is called "Coded Strings" and began to gather evidence on our parents so we can get out of their custody. After sending the evidence to Chihiro's parents, our uncle Taichi and aunt Chichi, they showed up at our place just in time to catch their brother and sister-in-law in the act of beating me up after Chiaki called them from our shared bedroom when our parents thought she was in bed for the night.

After that, the cops came and arrrested our parents, securing our freedom from our toxic parents. Our custody was handed over to our aunt and uncle. Cousin Chihiro couldn't be happier as loved hanging out with us, Quirk or not. And together, we helped him make his AI known as Alter Ego, which helped him greatly in terms of his prowess as a programmer.

It was one day when we were all having a relaxing evening playing video games together at my godfather's place as it was a two-week long break from schooling while our aunt and uncle had things to do for their careers and I was tired from the previous week as I was being homeschooled by Aunt Chichi and Uncle Taichi until they found a (somewhat) suitable middle school for me (they pulled me from my last one when Aunt Chichi found out about my treatment at the hands of both the staff and the students; the only problem was that there wasn't a lot of places accepting enrollment so late in the school year, at least where the good schools were concerned). Chiaki was already enrolled in a public school so they decided to wait until I was ready to go back to public school and, just like many others we looked into, they weren't accepting late enrollments at the time.

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