Interlude before Summer Begins

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1st Person POV Chifuyu

It had been a few days since we got home from the I-Island. I was given a pass to be excused from classes during that time to "recover" as I was still in no mental shape to deal with anymore bullshit from UA. I sent my Rotom to hack into the surveillance cameras and link the cams to my Arc Phone so I can keep an eye on my fellow schoolmates from Hope's Peak Academy and my only friends from UA until summer break starts.

I've also sent my best and stealthiest Ghost-types including Rotom (in case I need video evidence to incrimate them for anything) to keep an eye on 1-A in case one of them wants to retaliate against me for what I said back on I-Island. Especially Bakugo as he had been giving my classmates dirty looks along with my other friends from the General and Support course. And may the gods help him and everyone else if he so much as lays a hand on Chihiro, Chiaki, or my youngest ones...

But enough of those dark thoughts and moving on to what's going on now.

I was on a online video call with my friends when Rotom (acting in stead of Nana as she is undergoing an "upgrade" courtesy of Miu thanks to getting some added support after I-island) pinged me on my Arc Phone, telling me to check out the footage in 1-A's class in the training camp. Seeing this as something interesting, I casted it into the video call, the others quieting down to see what's going to happen.

I held down a laugh seeing the vast majority worse for wear as they had survived the first day by the skin of their teeth. I had seen the footage courtesy of Rotom how they had to run through the woods outrunning monsters made from one of the Pussycat Dolls.

"Makes me wonder how they would survive if they were in the Survey Corps.... I bet the Miss Fortune Sisters' gold nugget collection they wouldn't fare well, especially if a rampaging alpha Garchomp went after them..." I snickered at the image of the land-shark chasing after some of the students while they ran away screaming.

We watched Eraserhead come in (queue the "light" growls from my Pokemon in the mind link) and in his usual lazy fashion addressed that despite some of them failing the practical part of their exam (even Bakugo failed his which made me and some of the others laugh at his brief temper tantrum before Eraserhead called him out, making him huff and get grumpy as per usual), they still get to go to the training camp. This made some of the others in the call roll their eyes at his declaration, despite his "promises" to make it hell in the remedial classes; it was just another example of the Pros coddling them even after reality comes and pays a house visit.

Then he addressed a matter that nearly made me fall off my bed laughing especially the reactions Eraserhead received.

Here's how it went:

Eraserhead: "... All of that aside, the training flop with Nanami-" (queue the flinches from the vast majority of students who suffered on the business end of my reality check) "- I was planning on making you lot suffer as life only gets harder and life and death situations are the norm and you could have died but..." His eyes flashed red as his voice became very pissed off, "You all can imagine my surprise when I received a call from one of the HPSC agents saying that some of my students tried to play hero in middle of a TERRORIST ATTACK!!!"

His voice became very loud at the end and I had to turn down the volume a bit to let my hearing recover before I tuned back in.

Midoriya: "Aizawa-sensei, we can explain!!!"

I rolled my eyes at this.

"No need, as the whole debacle was broadcasted to the world...."

Eraserhead: "Don't you dare try to justify yourself! You not only put your classmates in danger but an entire island of civilians at risk as well! You should have waited for the stealth-oriented heroes to show up and we would have less collateral to deal with! We are trained for a reason, dammit!"

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