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Ena pov

Changbin came in my room

"Ena, I know you're lying." What? How does he know?

"What.. do you mean..?" I said trying to look confused

"Ena, lüg nicht(=don't lie)" So he can speak German

"Ich verstehe nicht, was meinst du mit lüg nicht?(= i don't understand, what do you mean by don't lie?)"

"Ena, i know you're lying about anisa being a traitor, I saw her phone, I saw everything, why? Why are you doing this to her? She's your bestfriend"

"Sigh..changbin, you don't know how we handle things, yes I did lie, and I don't need to explain myself, but if you dare to tell anyone.. consider yourself dead."

"I see why minho hates you. And I'm not scared if some 17 year old girl, I'm 22, in a mafia gang, trained for years. So don't think I'm just gonna let you go like that, and hyunjin is like my brother, and I see he's always with you, so if anything happens, you'll be 12 feet underground" changbin said as he left

Ik he's gonna tell Chan, but he's gonna believe me, cause I have my ways.

Ik I'm evil, but I'm proud of it.

I went downstairs and saw hyunjin cooking something

"Ohh, so you like to cook?" I asked him

"Well kinda, but that's mostly Felix's thing, he cooks and bakes a lot, you should try his brownie, it's amazing" hyunjin said with a smile

"Sure I'll try some later"

"Btw Ena, you look really pretty today"

"Am I not pretty everyday?"

"No, I mean-"

"Hahaha, I'm just joking, and thank you ;)"

He just chuckled and continued cooking

I watched him, and tbh he's ethereal. Like he's so pretty

But then I heard Chan

"Ena, come to my office, now"


"Let's hope you're not in trouble for anything, you're not gonna like seeing Chan angry.." hyunjin said as I just left to go to chans office

"Bruh, what do you want" Wait, did changbin tell him..? I hope not

It's not like I'm scared, I'm just to tired for trouble

"Sigh, first of all you're not gonna give me that attitude again, and second of all..

Minho accidentally broke your TV."

I stood up aggressively


"cam down, it's not that dee-"


"Okay okay chil-"

"Don't tell me to chi-"


"Dang okay chill bruh"

"Ena,  I don't like your attitude at all, I'm here the boss and I control what everyone does, and next time you give me that attitude, you're not gonna like what I'll do"

"Sigh, okay.. I'll leave but if minho doesn't buy me a new TV he's gonna get that beating"

I said as I left

I sigh in relief, so changbin didn't tell him

I went downstairs to drink some water, I have a sensitive throat so it dries quickly when I yell

Hyunjin was still there cooking, but with seungmin

"I heard some yelling all the way from here, was everything okay or.. ;) yk.." hyunjin said as he laughed

"Oh Shut up, that hoe minho broke my TV and I just lost it, but anyway, don't ever comment such stuff about me and Chan cause everyone knows how much I hate him, always Bossing me around.."

"Well that's what bosses are made for.." seungmin said

"Well he's not my boss..."

"Ena, I'm sorry to tell you this but once you enter this house, he's your boss, unless you're from another group"

"Ughhhh! This whole situation is just so frustrating"

"And Ena, whats up with anisa? Is she really a traitor?" Seungmin asked

Oh God...

"Well, we don't know that yet but she's in the basement locked up, I'm not sure if it but I think I saw her texting someone called yuta, and we know who yuta is..."

"Anisa just seems like a really nice person, so I'll be disappointed if she actually works with them, she isn't just betraying us but also her father and family.."
Sigh, what have I done...

But seungmin talks like he knows about something, maybe changbin told him..?

No way, out of all people why would he tell him?

I saw minho coming downstairs

Oh that fucker..

"Oi Lee minho!"

He looked at me and stopped moving

"Look ena, just be chill okay, I already ordered a new TV for you.. " Oh, he's not that bad

He joined us

"So.. Ena..  yk we'll all be disappointed if anisas actually a traitor to us and her family, but you'll be the most hurt, right?" Minho said kinda smirking and seungmin was smirking too

"Yah Yah, stop bringing that topic up! You can see that Ena is genuinely hurt... don't make it worse for her!" Hyunjin said but in a kinda... sarcastic way..?

I just sighed and didn't say anything

"What? Are you her boyfriend now? Tbh I kinda shipped Ena and Chan, yk enemies to lovers... but you'll 2 work"

"Y-yah..! Were not together and don't even think about shipping me with chan"

I said as minho just laughed

I kinda felt uncomfortable

I just felt like they were acting weird..

Like yk.. being sarcastic to me hut trying not to show it.. idk

But I just left and went upstairs

"Awhh, Ena why are you leaving? Lunch is gonna be done in like 10 minutes.." hyunjin said in a kinda sad tone but it felt fake...

"Uhm.. I'll come back down in a few minutes, I just need to check something.." I said as I went upstairs in my room And locked the door

Idk why but I feel like they all know..

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