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Ena pov

Hyunjin called me downstairs

I went and saw anisa sitting there


Hyunjin sat down and signaled me to sit down beside him

On my other side was chans seat, ugh great

Anisa was sitting right infront of me so she's near Chan too

Changbin was on her other side

I hope he hasn't said anything to anyone...

I kept glaring at anisa and hyunjin held my hand as a signal to me to calm down

Chan noticed I think

"*cough*, okay you 2 lovebirds, you should know that there are 8 more people near you watching you 2. So anyways, thank you hyunjin, Ena, seungmin and minho for making lunch. Anyway, anisa will not be punished, Ena it seems that you had a misunderstoodment."

Sigh of relief, atleast he doesn't know I did it on purpose

"Okay...I apologize anisa."

"Its fine.. I know you have dyslexia, so I understand."

Another Sigh of relief

"Anyway, can we start eating now I'm starving" Felix said and we all started eating

I felt some glares from changbin but I decided to ignore it

I ate some of the kimchi hyunjin made and oml its the best kimchi I've ever had..

"Hyunjin, this kimchi is amazing"

"Really? Thank you, I was afraid I did something wrong with it"

I realized he was still holding my hand

Minho, Felix, Chan and anisa was looking at us which also caught the others attention

We quickly let go and I cleared my throat

"Uhm Anyway.." hyunjin said and I saw minho and Felix laughing silently

Fast forward

We finished food and againnnn I had to do the dishes because I lost in Rock papers scissors, but this time with changbin

Once everyone left, changbin glared at me and said

"You're lucky, I only told Chan about it, and he didn't believe you were lying. I'm not planning on telling anyone else, but if I see you doing something like this again to her, things are gonna get bad"

"What? Are you her boyfriend?"

"So what if I am?"

"That's weird, anisa isn't into relationships.."

"Well I guess she is now."

"Ok whatever, just don't stand there and help me clean up"


30 minutes later

Me and changbin finished, I went into my room

Anisa got a separate room, that's good

Idk if I should continue this...

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door

"Come in" I said

Chan walked in, he had something in his hand, he put it on my bed and started talking

"We have a party we're gonna attend tonight, you and anisa are coming, wear this and be ready by 7:30 pm"

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