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"no the underscore goes after the name oh my god" riki whined as he watched jungwon type in his older sister's user on the instagram search bar

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"no the underscore goes after the name oh my god" riki whined as he watched jungwon type in his older sister's user on the instagram search bar.

"jesus christ, there" he sighed, moving aside to let the younger see what came up on the screen, a hurt smile soon appeared on his face, looking at the recent pictures his sister had posted. "that's konon? she's pretty"

"of course she is, it's the nishimura charm" riki rolled his eyes jokingly, then jungwon caught him mumbling to himself as he stared at one particular picture.

a deep sigh left his lips, "sola grew up so much" jungwon smiled softly, his heart warmed at the sight of riki admiring his sisters in such a loving manner.

they spent a few minutes checking her different profiles while riki shared random details about his sisters and his best childhood memories, jungwon payed attention to every word.

shortly after, the pair came across a twitter post that made both their hearts sink.

complete silence filled the room, not even jungwon's troubled breathing could be heard

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complete silence filled the room, not even jungwon's troubled breathing could be heard. riki stared emptily at the screen, tears then started to roll down his cheeks.

konon also went missing that day, but luckily she did not share the same fate as her brother. she was the one who found his body, the only person that restlessly searched for 6 hours through the unknown country, all to protect her little brother.

riki saw it, he saw everything. while the police took their time to find him, konon ran off on her own despite not knowing her way around korea. after 6 hours and 13 minutes, she found riki's body laying next to a big oak tree near the lake. the sound of her cries was something that would haunt riki for the rest of his afterlife.

"shit" he whispered, backing away from the computer and jungwon to hide the fact that he was crying. jungwon cried too, reading the post one, two, even twelve times non stop. his heart ached for the nishimura siblings, and all he wanted was to help them find peace in some way.

"riki, was your birthday 4 days ago?"

"mhm, but it's not like i can celebrate it anymore" he laughed humorlessly, then an idea struck jungwon's head. "wait here"

he quickly left the room, then riki heard some loud shuffling noises coming from the kitchen. what's he planning to do now?

his question was answered almost on cue when jungwon returned with a little cupcake and a candle.

"happy 18th birthday, it's a bit late but it's the thought that counts" he giggled shyly, bringing the treat closer to riki.

then he softly began singing happy birthday to the young specter, making tears form in his eyes as he watched the flame of the birthday candle.

"happy birthday to youu~ go ahead, make your wish" jungwon smiled, but that smile quickly faded once he saw the look in riki's eyes.

"won, i can't blow the candle" he deadpanned, looking at the older through teary eyes.

"oh fuck i forgot, i'm sorry" he frowned, quickly putting the flame out with his fingers and whining because it burned him.

riki couldn't help but laugh at the boy's clumsiness, smiling fondly as they made eye contact. "you're not mad?"

"nah" he sighed, "thank you for this"


"i'd hug you but... you know" he raised his eyebrows, making jungwon laugh. he didn't want to make riki feel like he was being made fun of, but it was really hard to hold in his laughter with all the ghost jokes he made. "i'm gonna go to hell for laughing at that, jesus christ"

"welcome to the club, buddy"

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