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"ew ew ew ew- that felt so wrong please stop"

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"ew ew ew ew- that felt so wrong please stop"

"just stay still and let me possess you fucktard!"

"you don't even know how to do it!"

the day jungwon and riki decided to try swapping places, the pair spent the entire morning bickering over the smallest things. maybe they should've taken riki's suggestion of doing some research first, but jungwon was far too lazy to google it.

"i'm telling you won, this won't work without a guide" riki whined as he stepped out of jungwon's body for the third time, the older shivered at the feeling. it was kinda like sticking your hand in jello, except in this case, jungwon was the jello and riki... well, you get the point.

jungwon sighed in defeat, taking out his phone to search "how to possess a living body" on safari. "this is a great idea nishimura, i'm sure your ghost friends have tons of tutorials posted for you to use" he said sarcastically.

but as soon as his finger pressed the search button, hundreds of results from possessions all over the world appeared on the screen. riki stuck his tongue out tauntingly as jungwon rolled his eyes. after a short period of scrolling, he found what seemed like an old article about a ghost that haunted the city of cheongju more than 50 years ago.

written by an anonymous online journalist under the name of noaseok232, "the cheongju phantom" told the story of the writer's alleged grandpa, who was apparently possessed when he was younger. it was a very long article, but luckily jungwon was a quick reader, which helped him get to the more interesting bits easily.

 it was a very long article, but luckily  jungwon was a quick reader, which helped him get to the more interesting bits easily

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"well... what are you waiting for? open up that little mind of yours" riki teased with a smile once jungwon finished reading, earning an annoyed glare from the older.

"did you not hear the part where this guy's grandpa is still facing the side effects?"

the youngest scoffed, seeming upset. "i did but, how bad could it possibly be? you said you'd let me in"

"you won't care about what happens to me once i become useless for you" jungwon muttered.

"what? that doesn't even make sense"

"i think it makes perfect sense" he deadpanned, "let's say i do let you possess my body, then what? you'll get whatever you want, discard me like i'm trash then find a way to leave this hellhole while i stay stuck with the consequences of your selfish needs"

at this point, it was clear that things would only go south for the pair if they kept the argument going. but jungwon was too stubborn to realize how much he was hurting his friend, and with every word that left his lips, riki was provoked to fire back at jungwon.

"you're calling me selfish? do you know how much it sucks to watch you live a normal life every day knowing that i'll never get to do the same? am i really so selfish for wanting to be alive for a few hours? if you were the ghost i wouldn't think twice before letting you use my body"

"yeah and that's the point, nishimura!" jungwon yelled, "you never think things through, you just jump ahead on the first thing that seems convenient for you and don't care about what might happen and you know what? i'm starting to think that's why you got yourself killed in the first place"

once that last sentence was out, all the color from both boys' faces flushed away. jungwon immediately regretted saying it, but it was too late to take it back, so he chose to keep a cold act in front of the younger.

riki on the other hand was overtaken by a mix of anger, pain and disappointment. jungwon was no different from the rest, no, maybe he was worse than everyone else. he could almost feel the burning sensation of the tears that rolled down his face, if he wasn't a ghost, he might've actually beaten the shit out of yang jungwon.

instead, he left the room whispering "i fucking hate you" as the door forcefully closed behind him. the sound of the slamming door brought jungwon back to his senses, but when he chased after riki, he wasn't there anymore.

"riki where the hell did you go?" he called out, but the emptiness of the house was his only answer.

"i'm still here, asshole"

still, there was only silence.

"can't you see i'm right in front of you?"

riki approached the older, soon realizing what happened. it was clear by the way he kept desperately searching the house despite having the ghost beside him the whole time.

for some odd reason, riki nishimura's ghost was now invisible to yang jungwon.

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