~part 2 {theyre gay, good for them, good for them}

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Mummy Bitch: @Wine Addict

Wine Addict: What.

Mummy Bitch: Im stuck in your window

Wine Addict: Why..?

Furry: Leave him there

Elegance: I agree with him, l e a v e h i m

Mummy Bitch: pls-
Mummy Bitch: Chibi~
Mummy Bitch: save me p l e a s e

Wine Addict: You owe me

Mummy Bitch: yeah yeahhh

Elegance: Chuuya, Honey, is he in your house.

Wine Addict: No ew why would i let him in my place.
Wine Addict: Fuck that

Mummy Bitch: Im not tAhT bAd

Doctor Murder: ....

Furry: ....

Mcr Stan: ....

Yellow Snow: ....

Weird Cousin: u sure abt that

Wine Addict: hes not all bad
Wine Addict: still mostly shitty but yk thats just dazai

Mummy Bitch: Chuuuyaa~ <3
Mummy Bitch: I knew a dog was always loyal to its owner ^3^

BunBun: Why does everyone always message late at night
BunBun: Its bad for your eyes to be straining in the dark that late

Cows Moo: I agree with Kyouka <l:)

BunBun: Seeeee

The Ideal Whore: Thank you Kyouka, the agency needs more responsible agents.

Blanket: Atsushi's responsible

The Ideal Whore: Yes, but not when he's up at all hours texting Akutagawa

Furry: I AM NOT!!

Mcr Stan: NO!!

Mummy Bitch: fufufu

Furry: is anyone awake?

Mcr Stan: Unfortunately

Furry: whatcha doingggggg

Mcr Stan: Nothing

Furry: thats lameeeee
Furry: do you hae minecraft

Mcr Stan: No
Mcr Stan: Do you wish for me to get it?

Furry: its no big deal
Furry: we could play together lol thats all

Mcr Stan: Im downloading it

Furry: you dont have to

Mcr Stan: I want to.

Furry: you sure?

Mcr Stan: i woudnt get it if i wasnt

Furry: okay..

Mcr Stan: Do you want to call?

Furry: Yea :D
-a few hours later-
Stabby: I figure you all would want to knokw that when I walked in his room to wake him up he was asleep with his phone still on the call with the weretiger

Mummy Bitch: he was?????????

Stabby: yea i got a picture

Stabby: yea i got a picture

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