~part 5 (so im sitting here, barbecue sauce on my titties)

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Furry: The party was fun last night

Mummy Bitch: yeah escpeccially when you were sharing spit with Akutagawa

Mcr Stan: he wasnt complaining unlike chuuya was when he tried to strangle you

Mummy Bitch: heyyyy
Mummy Bitch: low blow

Wine Addict: I regret nothing

Mummy Bitch: how bad is your hangover?

Wine Addict: ive had worse but it is still a fucking hangover

Doctor Murder: smae thoooo
Doctor Murder: *smae
Doctor Murder: shit *same
Doctor Murder: there im great

Wine Addict: yuh I agree

Furry: OH ALSO
Furry: @wine addict 
Furry: I made a new playlist

Wine Addict: sned

Furry: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6po9EOlb4M9JfiNvdAqSm8?si=9966b2428317452c 

Wine Addict: yEsSsSsssss

In Jinko and Ryuu’s dms

Ryuu: are we like dating?

Jinko: do you want to?

Ryuu: y e s

Jinko: yay
Jinko: Im dating the very very scary mafia’s silent rabid dog

Ryuu: shushhhh

Jinko: hehehe <3

Ryuu: ……..….<3

Mummy Bitch: @wine addict 

Wine Addict: What.

Mummy Bitch: I miss youuuuuuuu

Wine Addict: you shouldve thought about that before leaving

Mummy Bitch: …

Doctor Wine: damnnnnn

In Doc and Patients dms

Doc: do you like him

Patient: nO

Doc: dazai

Patient: FINE i do

Doc: we should hatch an operation

Patient: ????????

Doc: Operation red and blue as an attempt to get chuuya to like you again
Doc: since you obviously hurt him

Patient: i dont get a say in the matter do i?

Doc: Nope :D



Mummy Bitch: s a v e m e

Doctor Murder: STEP ONE
Doctor Murder: GAYNESS

Mummy Bitch: ughhhhh

Doctor Murder: you want it right?

Mummy Bitch: …yes

Doctor Murder:  then shut up and go along with it.

Wine Addict: @furry 
Wine Addict: B R U H
Wine Addict: 

(a/n: the song chuu linked was Mr Perfectly Fine by Taylor Swift it fits soukuko so well)

Furry: OMG

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