Chapter 6: In The Rain

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I gave the customer their change, smiling sweetly at them as I did so. You never know why people are buying flowers, so I always like to be as kind as possible.

"Will you be okay to close up the shop by yourself, Elle?" my grandma asked from behind me. "Your grandpa and I are going to head home."

I nodded my head, "Yes, don't worry."

"Thanks, darling," my grandpa smiled at me.

I watched them exit, and I was a little happy when they did so. When they're here, they keep the radio playing faintly. But when they aren't here, I get to play my own music. 

I bend down behind the counter to plug my phone into the speaker. As it connects, I hear the bell ding, making me call out, "One second!"

I look through my playlist. What song would work for a cute little flower shop?

Just What I Am by Kid Cudi of course. 

I start to play the song that I probably shouldn't, cheerfully shooting back up and giving the customer across from me a smile.

But my smile slowly dropped seeing that it was Nico. Even though butterflies filled my stomach.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "Here for more daises?"

"No. I'm here to talk to you," he told me, making my eyes widen for a moment.

My voice raised an octave as I asked, "Really?"

He nodded before making a confused face as he raised his face toward the speaker, listening to the lyrics of the song playing. 

I need smoke
I need to smoke
Who gon' hold me down now
I wanna get high y'all
I wanna get high y'all

"Why are you playing this shit?" he asked me, making me purse my lips.

I shrugged, "Cause I need to get high. You should try it sometime."

"Done it, bored of it," he leaned against the counter. "And I know your ass doesn't smoke."

"And how would you know that?" I asked with crossed arms.

The slightest smirk formed on his face as his green eyes looked me up and down, "Can you name a strain?"

".....The green one."

"That's what I thought," he said, making me roll my eyes. 

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?" I asked, wondering if maybe he was here to ask me if I wanted to hang out.

"Sin is sick today, so your training session is gonna get changed to tomorrow," he told me, and I felt my heart drop a little. 

I tried my best to hide the sadness from my face. I took a deep breath, tapping my painted nails against the counter, "Thanks for letting me know."

He doesn't look busy. So I guess he still doesn't want to. 

"Why don't you wanna train me?" I basically blurted.

His eyebrows raised slightly at my question. If I could've sunk back into my skin, I would've.

"I have something to go do after this," he told me.

"Like what?"

"It's not important."

But it is to me. I want to know why he doesn't want to be around me anymore. Maybe I can learn from this to make a friend in the future. 

"Elle?" his voice spoke, a hint of softness to it. I hadn't even noticed the tears forming in my eyes slightly, but I quickly blinked them away.

Thankfully, a customer entered. They weren't a regular, but I still smiled at them, "Hello. Need any help?"

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