Chapter 13: Get Over

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My hands press against the flower shop counter. I didn't actually have work today when I told Nico that yesterday, but this morning, my grandparents asked if I could come to work while they work on painting their kitchen. 

And I had nothing else to do, so why not?

The customers came and went, and nothing was out of the usual. I wore my hair in a braid today, paired with a white dress and shoes. Some customers glanced at the band-aids covering my palms, but they never said anything. 

I blew a raspberry while I looked at the clock. Two more hours.

I was going to drag Rio with me to get ice cream later, whether he likes it or not. But I guess if he really refuses, then I would ask Winter.

My eyes moved up and my heart skipped a beat seeing Nico enter through the glass door. 

Here to buy flowers for another girl.

Black pants, red shirt, black belt. Hair perfect without a single strand out of place, which only made me want to go over and mess it up to make him angry. He doesn't deserve to have a good hair day. 

My dark brown eyebrows lowered seeing an iced coffee in his hands. He set it down the counter before sliding it toward me with his index finger. When I didn't pick it up, he motioned to it, "It's for you."

I found myself wanting to smile, but I didn't. I picked it up and set it down on the table behind me, "Thank you."

When I turned back around, he looked confused that I didn't take a sip. I crossed my arms, holding my elbows, and moved my hands up and down my upper arms, "You need more daises?" 

"No, actually," his words surprised me. "I was in the area. Thought you might want that shit."

"Thanks," I said quietly. 

His eyes narrowed on me. 

"Stop by the tattoo parlor tonight," he said, that being his way of asking me to hang out. 

I shook my head, "I'm getting ice cream with my brother tonight."

"Okay. So then come after."

"It'll be pretty late."

"I'll be up."

The bell dinged behind him. A customer I was expecting walked in, giving me a big smile. I smiled back at her and bent down to grab the tulips that I had for her behind the counter. I reached across the counter and handed them to her, "Good morning, Mrs. White."

"Morning, Elle!" she took the flowers from me and set the exact amount of bills and change onto the counter. "Thanks for helping me out on the phone earlier."

"Of course," I smiled at her.

Mrs. White's eyes moved to Nico. She looked between us and asked, "Is this gentleman your boyfriend?"

"No," I responded before Nico could do what he did last time. "Just a friend."

Nico gave me a look when he heard how fast I answered, and even though I could see him in my peripheral vision, I kept my eyes off of him. 

Mrs. White nodded, "Oh. He doesn't seem too much like your type anyways, Elle, since I've seen you with that blonde boy quite a few times."

Nicos' head whipped around to her as she said that. The blonde boy she was referencing was just a regular customer, I don't even know his name. But Nico doesn't need to know that.

I nodded, "You're right."

"Didn't seem that way last night," Nico spoke up, his voice cold and laced with either annoyance or anger. Or maybe even both.

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