Chapter 27: Falling

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I swear Nicos' arm weighs 50 pounds.

Trying to get it off of me without waking him up was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I was basically out of breath after, but I waited until I was out of the bedroom to start breathing heavily. 

I pulled the pans out as quietly as I could. Nico is gonna be so shocked when he wakes up to a breakfast cooked for him by me. 

Because I'm the best girlfriend ever. 

The bright sun lit up the kitchen, filling it without a single light on. I poured the pancake mix onto the pan and put it on the stove, and started to make some coffee.

By the time the coffee was done, I could flip the pancake. Once I flipped it, I walked over to the window to see if there was a breeze today since Winter and I were going to be outside. 

I slid the kitchen window up, smiling when a cool breeze sent some of my baby hairs to fly around. The sound of a dog barking to my left made me turn my head, and there was an entire family in the backyard. Two dads were with their two kids, and their children were playing with their dog. They all looked so happy and carefree, all of them smiling widely. 

I wish my family was like that.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The loud alarm made me cover my ears before turning around.

"Oh shit," I swore to myself, seeing the black pancake burning and smoking profusely. 

I removed my hands from my ears, letting the sound of the fire alarm nearly make me deaf. I removed the pan from the stove and turned the stove off, but the alarm was still beeping.

I picked up a rag and started shaking it in the air, trying to get rid of the smoke. I heard Nico start to come down the stairs, so I dropped the rag and casually stood in the kitchen as if the fire alarm wasn't still blaring. 

"Elle? What the fuck happened?" he asked while looking around for the fire.

I shrugged like nothing happened, "I don't know. I'm just eating my pancake."

He glanced at the black pancake in the pan, and I watched as his brain slowly pieced it together. He picked up the rag and shook it around near the alarm to clear the smoke, and it finally stopped beeping. 

"I don't know why it did that," I shrugged and gestured to the pancake. "This pancake is cooked perfectly."

Nico looked at me with a 'really?' expression. When I nodded, he picked up a fork and walked over to the pan. He tried to send the fork through the pancake, but it was so hard that it didn't even break it.

I put my hands up, "Hey, everybody has different tastes."

He leaned down and kissed my cheek, "This is why I should make our food."

"I tried my best," I sighed, and he pulled me into a hug. My arms wrapped around his torso, and his wrapped around my back.

"I know you did. Let me make you something before you go and see Winter," he suggested, and I nodded against his chest.

I pulled away quickly when I remembered the coffee. I didn't mess that up.

I grabbed one of the mugs and handed it to him with a smile, and he thanked me while he took it. He sipped on it while I sat down, and he grabbed a new pan while pulling eggs and bacon out of the fridge. 

I'm meeting Winter downtown in 45 minutes, and Nico has to work today, so it works out perfectly. I have a shift tomorrow, and I'm going to be the only person there since my grandparents don't also need to be there during shifts that are later in the day. So I'll be able to play my drug music as loud as I want to. 

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