Chapter 16: Downtown

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♡ Elle 

I stretch my arms out in front of me, and I can feel how in desperate need of a shower my hair is. 

I pat it down while I turn and look at the purple carnations that I put in a vase on my nightstand. 

While slinging my legs over my bed, I let out a yawn. Nico and I talked in his car for two hours after he parked in my driveway to drop me off last night.

My heart hurts every time I remember the story about Amara. Having to witness your sibling die must be a type of pain that you never fully heal from.

My phone buzzed against the counter while I turned the shower on, ready to have my hair back to normal and not look insane. 

A text from Nico read, 'I'll be in your driveway at 2. Be ready.'

'Or else?' I typed back.

'Or else I'll come in that house and drag you out myself.'

How bossy. He didn't even use please.

I pull my clothes off before getting into the shower, scrubbing my scalp while my body and hair got wet. We were going downtown for a little bit, even though I wasn't too sure about what we were going to do. 

Once my body and hair were clean and I had sung about 10 different songs, I shut the water off and stepped out. I did a little smirk to myself, knowing that I had used all of the hot water, so my brothers would have to take a cold shower. 

I put a pair of jeans and a shirt on after I blowdried my hair, and put half of it up. 

I grabbed some shoes out of my closet at 1:55 pm. Once they were on, I left my room and headed downstairs. 

Rio was cooking in the kitchen, but I did a face of disgust seeing how bad it looked. 

He looked me up and down, "Where are you going?"


"With Cross?"

I paused. A small smirk formed on his face, realizing that he was right. I slapped his arm slightly, "Yes. But don't tell Romeo."

"Got it, boss," he said while going back to cooking his food.

Nico pulled up in the driveway, and Rio looked through the window. He nodded his head, "Cool car."

Nico waved his hand slightly at Rio, and Rio smiled while doing it back.

I stepped out into the bright summer sun, squinting my eyes slightly as I made my way over to Nicos' car.

As I sat down, before I could even buckle my seatbelt, he grabbed my face and pulled it toward his. My lips moved in sync with his, a smile forming on my face as I kissed him. I put my hand on the side of his face, feeling the very slight stubble of hair on his cheek.

He pulled away and gestured towards the cup holder. I smiled even wider seeing that it was an iced coffee. 

He started to pull out of the driveway, and I looked forward, seeing Rio staring at the both of us with disgust on his face since he had just watched us kiss. When the smoke from his food suddenly intensified, I saw him mouth, 'Oh shit' and go back to focusing on his food. 

While we drove, my heart nearly stopped beating when he reached across the seat and grabbed my hand. 

"You look beautiful," he told me. 

Even though he was complimenting me and speaking sweetly, he still had his usual emotionless face. I smiled at him, "Thank you."

"Are you hungry?"

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