The Anomaly

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"A mistake, a fluck, a inconsequential act, sometimes may lead to greatness or devastation, such is the ways of the multiverse, where in one the exposure of air to a fungus sample by a slightly careless scientist created a life saving medicine in another a deadly weapon, I the Watcher, observe all of this possibilities, but What If, a selfless act of sacrifice to save a condemned universe impacted another universe, causing unknowing ramifications throughout the multiverse"




AGE: 16

HERO ALIÁS: Ironclad

OTHER ALIÁS: Iron-lad (Given by Tony Stark), Tin can (Given by Peter Parker), Stark's nosy kid (Given by Nick Fury)

RESIDENCE: New York, Queens

ORIGIN: Normal kid with no powers, had first contact with Iron Man when Tony Stark fought Vanko in the Stark Expo at the age of 10, being saved from Hammer Bots. This event causes Y/N to be fascinated with the Hero world, bringing a grand desire to figure out the world of the superhumans. Y/N eventually was caught entering a secure S.H.I.E.L.D warehouse with the a stolen id of field agent, that caused him to be put face to face with the nearest agent that could answer the alarm, Black Widow, Y/N barely manage to escape Natasha's Widow Stingers, thanks to Y/N's knowledge of Natasha's arcenal and as the later capture teen said "A shit ton of luck". Y/N was captured, however, by a local cop after he "accidentally" "stole" a bagel from said cop, to this day Y/N claims that he did no such thing and that he needed a energy boost after the Widow incident. Tony Stark after hearing the said story from agent Coulson decided to bring Y/N under his wing just to spite Nick Fury, as himself said "Never going to let Fury or Romanov forget the kid that gave them the slip". Ever since, Y/N has become the hero and informant agent known as "Ironclad".

RELATIONS:- F/N L/N, Biological father- M/N L/N, Biological father- Tony Stark, mentor, uncle figure- Peter Parker, A.k.a "Spider-man" Friend and Hero partner- Ned Leeds, Friend- Michelle "MJ" Jones, Friend

POWERS:- And adapted version Iron man Mark III suit was used for the most part of Y/N hero life given that most of Y/N early hero duties involved small time crimes and part time investigations, as Tony put it "Your a good kid, but first you need to learn the basic", Y/N's suit was later changed to Mark XLVI after Y/N with the help of his A.I. companion E.D.I (Enhanced Detective Intelligence), Peter, Karen (Peter's A.I.) and Ned manage to repair and adapt the suit post "Civil War" events.- Enhanced Detective Intelligence or E.D.I for short, is a companion A.I. designed by Tony Stark to help Y/N in his duties as a hero and informant agent.

EVENT HORIZON: In a desperate attempt to stop the mad titan Thanos, Y/N who stayed on Earth per Tony's orders, used a few of Tony's new nanotech to fashion themself a makeshift glove to steal Thanos infinity stones, successfully stealing four of them Time, Space, Reality and Soul leaving Thanos only with the Power stone and snapping their fingers with the intent to neutralize the stones. In the eyes of those present Y/N was dusted alongside the reality stone, the other three were damaged, enough so that Thanos could not properly use them, ending in his defeat by Thor's Strombreaker. Y/N was named immortalized, the one that paid the ultimate price to save the galaxy.
// .......END OF ANOMALY DATA......

"For the people of that Earth, that was the end of Y/N's story, a bittersweet story that inspired many other heros to rise, however, that was not to be the end of Y/N, indeed they will not know that in the split second between Y/N dusting and the power surge of the stones, a wave of energy shook the multiverse and the soul stone reacted choosing to give Y/N another chance, destroying the reality stone as a way to send our hero in a mysterious adventure, the will of the soul stone is unknown even for a Watcher, as for what will happen, we will see.... together"


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