The girl in the white spider suit

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Pain, that was all I felt during the snap and than darkness, was what Tony felt after falling from that portal in New York all those years ago, it all feel like an eternity ago, so many things happened, what wouldn't I give to experience it again, totally worth it... shouldn't I be dead by now? Please don't tell me the afterlife is just me hearing my own thoughts! I'm going to go insane in a matter of days! Wait, does time pass when you are dead? Argh! Going to give my dead self a headache if I continue to think too much about it and ... "LOW POWER" What was that?! ... "INTEGRAL STRUCTURE OF SUIT 45%" Oh? Oh! Nononononono ... "COLLISION WITH GROUND EMINENT 100 METERS" Wake up! No I'm already ... "75 METERS"

"AWAKE!" I open my eyes only to see the blue skies and buildings passing by? "WARNING 50 METERS TILL IMPACT" my visor blared at me "A shit! EDI Emergency power NOW!" I screamed while turning to face the ground "25 METERS" "EDI! No time for a nap now!" "15 METERS" "I will buy that new Stark reactor just for you if you wake up now" "10 METERS" "A fu..." my visor suddenly turns blue and EDI voice comes through "Emergency power activated" I immediately blast my armor repulsors aiming at the ground "5...4...3...2...CRITICAL COLLISION AVOIDED" I still pretty much face plant into the rooftop of a building in ... New York? "Ahm? How did I end up in Times Square? EDI any ideias?" "No sir, I haven't been able to properly scan our surroundings thanks to the suit's extensive damage, however it would seem that the infinity stone displaced us from Wakanda to New York" "Well, there is one slight problem EDI, where is the Avengers Tower?" "Scanning, please wait ... I've detecte several other anomalies" "Such as?" "The Avengers do not seem to exist, Spider-man appears to be significantly older and the image on the main screen of the Time square shows ..." How did I miss that? Uhm, was I sent into the future? "... a woman in a spider-like costume is watching us and finally it appears that Spider-man has a weird popsicle, should I save the imagens in order to tease Karen and Peter later?" "Hehe, do it ... wait 'Woman in a spider-like costume' ?" I turn to where EDI points me to and I see a Spider-woman with a hood?.

Gwen's POV

Today keeps getting weirder and weirder, first a portal opens up and sucks me in mid way through my escapade from the police and my hunt for some corn dogs, a girl has her needs, and now a man in a broken armor seems to fall from the sky, I went to him to try and break his fall but he manage to turn around last second which didn't do much to stop him from falling face first into the rooftop, I admit I might have a slight giggle at that, but still when near to see if he is alright. Luckily he gets up and looks to be fine, but he seems startled as he starts to look around and fixates on the huge billboard showing "Spider-man.." I whisper.

"Who are you?" I nearly jumped in surprise, how can he sneak on me with a suit of armor, well, more like scrap metal from the looks of it "Uhm, Earth to Spider you there?"."Who are you?" I asked, he let out a chuckle "I believe I asked you first, miss?" "Spider-woman" "Spider-woman? Hum, not that original hum?" He gestured to gigant billboard with 'Spider-man friend or foe?' written on it "Hey! In my defense from where I come from there was only the one and only Spider-Woman" He doesn't seems to buy my explanation, than again is kind hard to gauge his reaction with that expressionless face plate "Right, odd ball here, gonna throw you some names and you tell me if any of them have any meaning to you" he say and before I can swing out of there a hail of questions comes my way "Iron man? Ironclad? Avengers? Thanos? Shield? Captain America? Asgardians?" "Wow, wow, slow down there Tin can, why are you asking me all of this? And for the record, I only recognize Shield and Captain America" I said trying to stop the barrage of questions. "That's not good ... Do you really think that? What? Just asking, we already saw a lot of wacky stuff, just wanted to be sure!" Is he talking to himself? "Ahm, you didn't hit your head too hard on that rooftop did you?" he snaps out of his thought process "Oh! right! Sorry, I was talking to EDI, my suits on board A.I., she believes we are in a parallel universe of sorts and from the looks of it so are you" Parallel universe, great, just great I just pinch the bridge of my nose. "Welp, no point in the whole 'Secret identity' stuff when we are from quite literally universes apart" I heard him say followed by hissing sound as I looked up to see a man with E/C eyes and H/C hair, not bad, not ... STACY that is not the time. "Y/N, also known as Ironclad" he said, flashing me a smile and extending his hand. I suppose he is right, no point in secrets "Gwen Stacy, also known as Spider-woman" I said removing my mask and hood.


"Betty?" I said without thinking "Ahm, no Gwen" She said giving me a confused look. "Right sorry, it is just that you remind me of a friend from school, the only differences between the two of you is your eye color, height and hair length, which is a bit uncanny to be frank, uhm you said Gwen Stacy right?" "That's the name don't wear it out" she said with a smirk of her own "Y/N I detect an increased heart rate, should I recommend some of Mr.Stark pick up lines?" "What! No!" I said out loud, Gwen looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "Urgh, just EDI being a pain in the ass, anyway, I think I've met the Gwen Stacy of my universe, she most definitely does not look like you, but that ..." before I could finish my sentence both of us seem to glitch and let out a scream of pain.

"What...what was that?" I asked a bit breathless "We...glitched...whatever that was it hurt like hell" Gwen said getting up. "EDI, i'm open to ideias here" I asked hoping my A.I. friend could shed some light to us "It would appear that both yours and Ms. Stacy atoms are for a lack of a better word, incompatible with the current universe, I would recommend finding a way home as soon as possible" Ok, that helped a little "Any idea where to start buddy?" I asked hopefully "I'm sorry Y/N, the suits systems are too damaged to be able to help in that regard" Shit, ok plan B "Gwen, hope you have an idea to get us out of this, my suit is too damaged for me to be of any help".

She stops and thinks for a bit before looking at me. "Ok, look, I know this may sound weird, but I have a feeling of where we need to go, it might even have the tools for you to repair your suit" ok, I will bite "Better than nothing, where to?" "My high school, if it's similar to mine it should have a fancy engineering sector and with luck, our way out home" I look at here septical "Ok, school, great, why it had to be a school" I grone "What, afraid to get bad grades?" Gwen teases me.On our way there we did some small talk, mostly on our backstory of sorts, I learn that from where she came, Peter Parker died and she was the one to be bitten by the spider and that is the reason she doesn't do friends anymore, from what she told me she was spider-woman for barely a year which surprise me, new heroes tend to be headstrong and not quite composed, taking myself and Peter as base. However, to be fair, I kind of feel bad for her. I know Peter lost his uncle right after he got his powers, but her? She had almost a whole year before tragedy hit, she already knew her powers but even so couldn't prevent Peter's death, she didn't go into details of how it happened and I won't prie either.

I told her my story, meeting Iron Man, having a slight obsession with figuring out masks and capes, dodging two super spies, pretty much dieing to save the world from a very angry grape and of course tactically acquiring a bagel. That last one she let out a laugh and said she might have done something similar but with a corn dog instead. I couldn't help myself and let a smile creep into my face whenever she smiled, it may not lead to nothing but it was still nice.

Eventually we arrived at the school, kind of big if you ask me, but nevertheless, we were here. "So, Gwen, what's the plan?" I half-whispered to her "First, we need to get into the school without anyone having doubts and Second, why are you whispering?" She asked with a hint of mirt in her eyes "Sorry, force of habit" I chuckled "As for the first part, EDI, mind hacking into the school systems and adding two new students, Y/N L/N and Gwen Stacy" I asked my companion, receiving a swift 'All done' mere seconds later "Wait!" Gwen held my shoulder "What if there is already another Gwen Stacy in this school?" I looked at her a bit confused by her slightly panicked question "So? It's going to be bizarre but nothing that screams 'I'm from another universe' type of bizarre, more like the 'Uhm, funny coincidence' kind of bizarre, beside is not like we are here to stay anyway" She sigh and relents "Ok, fine, but if people starts asking why there are two people that look the same, you will come up with a answer for that" I smile "Yay yay, ma'am" causing her to give me a smile in return. "By the way, here take these, it's a communicator, so we can stay in touch and you can hear EDI" I said handing Gwen a small device that could be placed around the ear "Hum, fancy, comes in purple?" she asked with an eager smile, I merely shook my head much to Gwen's dismay.

Two whole weeks passed since our arrival in this parallel universe and to be frank, not much has happened, me EDI were able to repair the suit up to I'll say 75%-ish the tools we had were not the best but also not the worst, but hey progress is progress. All of us still haven't been able to find a way home, but we are still trying. Overall most of our days follow the same routine, me and Gwen go to the same "classes" mainly the physics one to see if we had any clue as to where we can go or what we can do, but mainly we stick together for the time being. That decision had an unfortunate, well sort of unfortunate, side effect, high schoolers being high schoolers, they thought me and Gwen were a couple, which led to some awkward moments, but that aside, things were as normal as normal can be, that is, until a few days later.

We were in the physics class both bored out of our minds seeing a video from a Dr, Octavia talking about the theory of parallel dimension, like we didn't know this already. When the door opens revealing the figure of Miles Morales, a new kid that has joined recently in school. "Your late Morales" the teacher said "Well, Einstein said time is relative so maybe I'm not late, you guys are early" I heard Gwen snuff a chuckle, I look at her and let a chuckle while shaking my head "Take a seat Morales" I hear the teacher say, Miles ended up sitting next to me and Gwen "It wasn't funny, it was bad, but it was that why I laughed" I heard her explaining to Miles, deciding to join in I whispered to Miles and loud enough that Gwen could hear it too "She has some kind of addiction to bad puns" Miles let a chuckle at that "Hey, not true!" I heard her whispering back at us.

The next day was a interesting one to be sure, no only Gwen confirm that Miles Morales, the kid from yesterday class had Spider powers, but he almost ripped half of Gwen's hair, to the effect of nearly choking myself with laughter, Gwen wasn't too fond of that as she demonstrated by webbing my mouth shut. After ripping the webbing of I decide to try and deescalate the situation "Hehe, sorry Gwen, it was just too funny not to laugh" I said trying to apologize "Easy for you to say, you didn't have one third of your head shaved" I could see she was still slightly angry "Hey, look on the bright side, you got a awesome side cut now, you said you like punk rock didn't you and that seems very punk rocky to me, I think it actually suits you a lot, adds to your charm" I only realize what I said after a small blush color Gwen's cheeks "Thanks, I guess" she mumbled before excusing herself. EDI chimed in a few seconds after Gwen left "By Mr.Starks definition, that was somewhat smooth, he would be proud" I face palmed knowing that EDI would never let this slide.

After class I decided to meet with Gwen and prayed that our talk didn't go back to what happened earlier that day "So, Gwen, another sort of uneventful day, got any plans?" she looked at me "Besides finding a way home. No none, why do you ask?" She asked with a curious look on her face "Well, me and EDI have been talking, maybe we could see if we can find and talk to this universe Spider-man and see if he can help us, I know you're trying to be some sort of ghost here, but with any luck he is the same person as back home, and EDI already has the address" Gwen look a bit surprised? "Oh, well thought you were asking me out, but yah we could talk to him and see if he can help" She said with a teasing smirk, I chuckled "Very funny, but ..." EDI suddenly chimed in "I'm sorry to interrupt yours and Ms. Stacy flirting but I have dire news" I felt a blush building "We weren't flirting" both of us said at the same time, electing to focus on the problema at hand and not focus on the flirting thing I asked "What dire news EDI?" she was silent for a couple of seconds "Spider-man was confirmed K.I.A this afternoon" well... shit.

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