Death of Spider-man

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"That...That is going to make things more difficult." I said grimmly. Gwen on the other had the face of someone seeing a ghost I looked up to see what she was seeing only to feel a knot on my stomach too, has the headline in one of the many TVs around the area read 'Hero Spider-man confirmed to be young adult Peter Parker' followed by a picture of Peter, he look almost the same, sure older and blonde hair and blue eyes, but overall the same. I looked back at Gwen, she was at the verge of tears, I hear her whisper to herself "Another Peter I couldn't save" I placed a hand on her shoulder and try to comfort her somehow "If you ever want to talk about it, I'm here" she let a sigh "Thanks Y/N, but I-I need some time to myself now, I will be swing anywhere, helps to clear my head, if you find anything that help us get home call me and ... thanks, again" with that she starts walking await and not long after a blur of white and purple can be see swinging between the buildings.

I myself was a bit uncomfortable with the news and decided to follow Gwen's steps and just walk around for a bit, eventually I stumble upon a fantasy store, a Spider-man themed store, against my better judgment I decide to enter said store, only to be greeted by a fairly unexpected face "Stan?!" I said without thinking, the kind old man even in other universe continued his tendency of weird jobs, I mean, I caught that during my time in S.H.I.E.L.D investigating possible Hydra agents, Stan seem to have the wildest job curriculum of all, from bus driver up to Ex-general of the US army, I swear there was a joke there somehow, I'm brought back from my thoughts by said old man "Do I know you? Uhm, you seem familiar" 'Quick think of an excuse' "Ahm, I just read your name, in the ... uhm .... badge there in your uniform" 'Wait a minute was that there before? No matter' "So, what brings you here son?" "Honestly? Just kind of wandered here by accident, trying to clear my head. We all lost a friend today, didn't we?" I ask soberly looking at a newspaper on the stall next to the clerk place "That we did, but you know had a kid here earlier, asking if the costume of his would fit, said that he will fit eventually" he said with a kind smile at the same time I notice the no refunds sign, letting a chuckle upon seeing that "Guess one person can make the difference, hun?" I said with a chuckle "Nuff Said!" Stan agreed but continued "Now you're going to buy something or just stand there?"I looked at a book that said 'Stan inspirational Quotes, by Stan the Man' "Guess I'll take this one" I motioned to the book, Stan merely smiled "Excelsior!".

After walking some more having passed a crowd of people that were in a ceremonial funeral to the late hero, a idea came to mind when I saw a weird lamp post that was made of various items mashed together, anomalies, whatever brought myself and Gwen here, must have caused more anomalies throughout the city "EDI, can you scan the news a see if you can find signs of anomalies happening in the city?" 'On it' I heard my companion say, I looked at the pile of objects while waiting for the result of what EDI would find. I notice a few oddities in theses objects, asaid from the glitching of a few of them, some were just odd, one of them appears to be in black and white no matter what is done to it, another one appears to be from a kids tv show and another looks like some Japanese high tech toy, before I could investigate further EDI spoke "Y/N there has been numeros anomalies detected within the city in the last couple of weeks" ok, now this is promising "Can you triangulate and stipulate the point of origin" with luck this will give me a clue "Calculating...Location found, Y/N the most probable location of the epicenter of the anomalies is the area around Fisk's Tower, coincidently this is near where Spider-man was killed" I smile, finally a lead.

Gwen POV

Today wasn't a great day, first I lost part of my hair and then... then Peter died, again, What is it with Gwen Stacy and failing to keep Peter Parker alive, even Peter from another dimension dies. 'Is not your fault this time, it's just... it hit too close to home' I thought to myself. Well, at least there was one silver lining in this whole mess, Y/N, he...he at least was making me reconsider my whole 'I don't do friend anymore thing' it was good to have someone to trust even if it would be temporary. I hear a bib in my ear 'Speak of the devil' "Y/N, hey found anything?" I asked stopping at a building. "Yes, got a lead, the area around Fisk's Tower is the epicenter of this whole mess, that is also close where spider-man was found, so there is a likely connection between Fisk and everything, I'm still trying to connect the dots" He said, sounding more enthusiastic than earlier today, but that news only made me want to punch something "Urgh, why it has to be Fisk, does he have to be a nuisance in every universe?" First the Fisk in my universe tries to make my life hell, now a Fisk from another universe is in a way killing me "Uhm, you really hate that guy hun? Think I will make a note here to keep an eye out for him in my universe" wait, he doesn't have Fisk in his universe "You know I'm starting to envy your universe if you don't have to deal with Fisk there" I heard him chuckle on the other side, couldn't help but let a smile form when I heard that "Yeah, well just remember we had a very genocial dried grape to deal with, uhm, maybe he was a Galactic version of Fisk" I dread the thought, before I could quip back Y/N said "Hey, meet me at the top, better than talking through the radio" I look up just to see him flying with his armor in the direction of the rooftop.

A short climb later I find myself face to ... well, mask to mask with Y/N. "So got any clues on Fisk's involvement?" I asked, Y/N open his face plate "Kind of, not much to go on, Fisk has his fingers in a lot of business, EDI is checking if any of them can be some sort of decoy or fasade to hide something" hearing him I had a idea "Uhm, if this Fisk is similar to my then he probably has plausible deniability for his actions, so he is likely using some third party to do his dirty job, maybe focus on searching on third party companies working closely with Fisk" I notice a hint of pride in Y/N eyes as he give me a smile "Good work detective Stacy, you heard her EDI, let's see who is buddy buddy with Fisk" I felt myself feel a little taller after that, maybe I was wrong with the no friends anymore policy, which means that I will have my work cut out for me back home 'One problem at a time Stacy, one at a time'.

After some thirty odd minutes, Y/N finally spoke up "Got something, heh ironic, Dra. Octavia is working on some secret project in Alchemax for Fisk, so the good news is that we have a lead, bad news is, Alchemax has a closed system we have to physically be there so that EDI can hack it" he said opening back his visor "This seems a job for Spider-woman! One stealth mission coming right up!" I quipped, feeling better now "Indeed, I can't walk in with this suit, but I bet you can, we probably will need her data, so finding the servers or her computer should do the trick" Y/N said handing me a pen drive of sorts "Plug this in either the servers or her computer and EDI will wreak havoc on them" I smile underneath the mask "You know, we make a good team" I saw his smile grow a little "Yeah, me too Gwen" I smiled but one question came to mind "How are we getting to Alchemax?".

"YOOOOO! HOOOOO!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as we flew through the skies, this definitely beat swinging around "I NEED ONE OF THOSE!" I was probably screaming in Y/N ear but I didn't care, this was way too much fun "Hey! Gwen, got a favorite song?" Y/N asked "WELL I HAVE A LOT OF THEM, BUT GOT SOME DC/AC?" I heard him snicker "I think you mean AC/DC, but yeah, got a playlist with those, Tony made sure that all his armors had this playlist, ok here it goes" *TNT start playing* "HOW LONG TILL WE GET THERE?" EDI answered me "Approximately fifteen minutes Ms. Stacy" I bonked Y/N lightly in the head "HEY! THINK WE CAN DO SOME MANEUVERS, LIKE SPINNING OR ROLLING?!" I heard him laugh "Sure, hold on tight!" he suddenly dropped in order to do a barrel roll "YOOO! HOOO! LOOK WITHOUT HANDS!".

Fifteen minutes of fun later "That was something, whenever I feel down I will try to do that, somehow" I said ask Y/N opened his visor and let a laugh "Sure, just try not to fly through a building, not exactly comfy I tell you that" I will probably question him later about that but right now we need to focus "Ok, ok, let's focus, we ... well I need a way in, I think probably using a ventilation vent is an easy way in and out" Y/N look with a questioning look "Wait, in your universe they make ventilation vents big enough for a person to fit in?" I raise a finger to ask why his universe didn't but it occurs to me 'Why did my universe do that? It makes no sense' "I... that is a good question, anyway that could be an entrance right?" EDI beat Y/N to the answer "That is correct Ms. Stacy, as illogical as the engineering is" I nodded "Well, wish me luck" Y/N gave me a smile "You got this, but scream if you need help" I chuckled "Will do". After a few minutes of searching I found a Lab coat with some credentials, well lucky me!

Great, did I just stumble into Miles? And he is running with a monitor and a computer from Dra. Octavia that is fighting Spider-man? "Y/N we got a situation here" I said while rushing to find a place to change "I can see that whole place just lit up like a christmas tree, what is going on?" he asked, I could hear some worry in his voice, "Miles and I believe another Spider-man just stole Octavia's computer and are making a run for it. I will try to asiste them!" I said putting my mask on and B-lining to where I could hear a firefight taking place. As I reach the fight I can see Y/N blasting away some evil scientist left and right "Need help?" I said webbing some of them up "I'm fine Spider-woman, the other two might need your help, Octavia went straight after them" I nodded he could take care of them. As I was heading out I heard him say "WAS THIS REALLY JUST BECAUSE OF A BAGEL?!" I giggled, but quickly refocused back on hunting Octavia and reaching the other Spiders.

I swigged on the trees following the path of destruction caused by Octavia, arriving just in time to see Miles barely managing to hold on to the computer by its power cable. Octavia used this opportunity to steal back the computer, lucky for those two Spider-woman is here, as I managed to web Octavia tentacle arms locking her in place before delivering a swift kick in the head, knocking her out, as I gracefully landed. I pulled my mask out saying "Hey guys" I looked at Miles and ahm 'Fat Peter?' "Gwenda?!" Miles sounded extremely surprised "Oh you know her?" Peter questions with a smile "You're also a Spider person? From another dimension?" Miles asked "Yes. I'm from another dimension or universe ... well another another-another dimension, Well, here goes one more time...".


After dispatching the last evil scientist, really how many of this guys where there?, I made my way to where Gwen was, she apparently was retelling her Origin Story to both Miles and another Peter Parker, I opted for waiting for her to finish before showing myself to the group "No harm in letting her have the spotlight for a while" I whispered "Y/N you appear to be rather infatuated with Ms Stacy, may I inquire why?" I groan hearing EDI say that "I'm not trying to be romantically involved with her EDI if that is what you're implying, it's just, she reminds me of well... me, early me" EDI was silence for a moment and I fullished believed that I manage to stop her from going down that road "While I do agreed that Ms. Stacy requires some mentorship and that you will provide a modicum of that, I'm merely shedding some light into the underlining of your actions, Y/N you like her. Either as a friend or something more, that is still unknown" I stayed in silence, debating what EDI said, was I really developing a crush on Gwen? My thoughts are interrupted by EDI saying it is 'Show time'.

"Hey guys" I said as I landed next to them "Stark!" Peter and Miles said in surprise "Not quiet" I said, opening my visor "Gwenda boyfriend?" Miles said with confusion "We are not a couple" both myself and Gwen said in unison "I hate those girls, had to spread rumors" Gwen said to noone in particular "Well, who are you then? Alternative version of Tony Stark?" Peter asked, wanting to get back on track. "Names Y/N L/N, I'm also from another universe.." "Dimension" Miles interrupted me "...dimension whatever, however I'm not a Spider-man there, friends with the Spider-man from there, which makes me the odd one out, for some reason, but anyways" I proceeded to tell them my origin story. "Oh come on! You dodge Widow and Fury, and Tony gave you a suit! I've been asking for one from him for years!" Peter whined hearing the story. "And you forgot EDI his own JARVIS" Gwen added with a smirk seeing Peter dismayed at knowing that a kid got something he always wanted.

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