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I can't even believe that I told Emily that. The only thing is I love her, not hate her. Ugh. I messed up big. I heard the door swing open and it was Calum. He asked me what happened and I told him the whole story, but it took a little longer than expected because I was sobbing the whole time.

Calum was actually a really big help, which really surprised me because I didn't even know he went on a date before. My train of though ended when Calum slammed the door shut. I laid back down on the bed and just decided to sleep because I'm feeling more and more sleepy.


I woke up to the constant shaking from Michael. "What?" I groaned.

"You have to get up!" he screamed.

"No! It's only like," I turned my head to the clock, "3:30."

He nodded his head and it clicked! We have to be at the arena in thirty minutes! I threw on a pair of sweats and kept on the same shirt while slipping on a pair of flip flops. Now, running a million Liles an hour down the hallway, eventually we get to the van and hop in.

Calm gestured for the driver to step on it and within five minutes we made it to the arena. Mel and Stella dragged Em and Violet to their dressing rooms. The boys and I were sent to our rooms and we were handed some clothes since we were running a bit late.

I thew on the clothes while the irks were warming up their voices. I stepped out of the dressing room and noticed all the boys making an Instagram video. "Hi," I cut in.

"Well anyways we have to go do souncheck love you guys," Calm ended the video.

The girls were back from souncheck and the boys and I headed onto the stage. Emily and Violet glared at me, but Violet's face softened once she saw Luke. Emily just gave me a nasty look and I couldn't blame her, I did a horrible thing.

After The Unknown preformed we walked on stage and the girls went into the crowd. I sat down on the stool and picked up my drumsticks. I started playing the opening to 18 and everyone in the room was already having fun, even Emily. Luke sang the first verse and I kept the beat going, but I felt like I wasn't even thinking. Like everything was in slow motion.

All my thoughts had vanished when Luke announced that the next song we're going to play is Amnesia. Michael gestured with his hand that I should start playing so I did. The first ended and I saw Emily walk away from her seat, sobbing. That's when I dropped my drum sticks and ran off the stage.



OK IM terribly sorry for not updating. I'm swamped with sports And school. But no I'm back so it's all cool, I updated and there will be a new one tomorrow! I NEED TO THANK A FEE PEOPLE FOR BEING AWESOMENESS THROUGH A SCREEN. ToTheMoon18 heeyitsaaliya TheLarry_Problems ! ThAnks so much for everything! Please check them out BC their books are amazing! Also, I don't want to be a pain but is anyone enjoying the book? I haven't gotten much feedback on it and I would like to know if anyone likes it! Anyways, BYE!!

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