Chapter 6.

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I went to the hospital with Connor where we met up with Nathan and his girlfriend Sarah. Sarah was the girl he cheated on me with. When we got there I was dilated at a 7.
"Ow this hurts." I said.
"It's ok I'm right here." Connor said kissing my forehead.
4 hours later.
I was holding my new born daughter and was happy. Nathan held her next then Sarah and then Connor. Connor handed her back to me.
"She looks just like you." Connor said.
"She is beautiful isn't she." I said.
I gave her a kiss on the cheek and then the doctors took her to get cleaned up. The next day I was released from the hospital and got to take Sophia home. I sat on the couch and snuggled her. I put her in the bassinet and took a nap. When I woke up Connor had made dinner. Chicken Enchiladas.
"Thank you so much." I told Connor.
"No problem honey." Connor said.
Sophia started crying and Connor went upstairs and fed her a bottle and changed her diaper and put her in the swing.
"I love you so much. Your such a big help." I said.
"I love you too" Connor said.
After dinner I washed the dishes while Connor put Sophie to sleep.
"I am so nervous for when she starts talking. I am scared she's going to start calling me dad." Connor said.
"It's going to be fine. In a way you are like her dad. I mean it's been 2 days and Nathan hasn't texted me to see how she was and hasn't come to see her." I said.
"True but I'm not her real dad." Connor said.
"Connor trust me everything is going to be ok." I said.
We went to sleep and I had to take Sophia to Nathan's. I put her in her car seat and drove to his house, when we got there I got her out and rang the door bell. Nathan opened the door.
"Hey come on in." Nathan said.
I walked in side and saw that all of Sarah's stuff was gone.
" break up?" I asked
"No we are actually moving. So she packed her stuff and took it to the new place." Nathan said.
"Oh ok." I said.
"Hey Sophie." He said
"So are you wanting to have anything to do with her because you haven't asked how she has been doing or come to see her." I said.
"Honestly I don't know why I said I wanted kids with you because I don't want to have her on the weekends. The only reason I am taking her is for my parents to see her." Nathan said.
"Wow ok so I guess I will just take her home and then take her to see your parents." I said.
"Ok good. She looks so much like you if she was a boy I would love to have her." Nathan said.
I put Sophia's baby carrier down and slapped him across the face.
"Don't you ever talk about my daughter like that again. If you want a boy go have it with the Sarah girl and leave us alone. I can't believe you are going to betray your own flesh and blood like this. I don't know why I ever liked you!" I yelled. Nathan pulled me into a kiss but I pulled back and punched his gut.
"What are you doing?" I yelled.
"You get so cute when your mad. Sarah and I are having a baby boy so that's why I am still with her." Nathan said
"If I am cute when I'm mad then I bet I am adorable right now." I said. "I am taking you to court to get full custody of Sophia. I will see you in court." I said as I picked up Sophia and left.
When I pulled into the driveway Connor came out and got Sophia.
"Oh my goodness I missed you." Connor said to Sophia and me.
I hugged him tight and kissed his cheek. We walked inside and Connor could tell I was mad.
"What happened with Nathan? I thought Sophie was suppose to stay with him." Connor said.
"No Nathan doesn't want Sophia and is having a baby boy with Sarah but he doesn't want Sophie because she is a girl and not a boy. So I am taking him to court to get full custody of her and so now you don't have to worry if she calls you dad because you will be the only father figure she has right now." I said
"I have to go bye." Connor said as he kissed Sophia's head and my head.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"To punch Nathan. Sophia needs him but now I don't think she does. She will be just fine with me." Connor said as he walked out the door. I followed him in my car with Sophia in the backseat. I pulled up to Nathan's house and left the windows open for Sophia and ran inside. I saw Connor punch Nathan and started yelling and him for being a bad dad.
I pulled Connor off of him and told him that Nathan also kissed me which made Connor punch Nathan again. Then Sarah walked in and I told her everything. Sarah broke up with Nathan
"I am so sorry that things turned out this way. But at least you will have that baby boy to be there with you. But I do suggest that your son does get to see Nathan cause I feel bad as it is that Sophia is unwanted by her dad but your son is wanted." I said.
"Thank you so much Jade. I am so sorry that Nathan cheated on you with me and don't worry Sophia will get to see Drake."Sarah said.
I walked outside to get Sophia and when I came back in Nathan was standing up.
"Drake?" Nathan asked.
"That's the name of our son." Sarah said.
"Do you wanna hold Sophia?" I asked Sarah.
"Of course." Sarah said "might as well get started right?" Sarah said.
I hugged Connor and then put my hands around his neck.
"I love you so much." I said.
"I love you most." Connor said.
I got Sophia and put her in her car seat then went home.

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