A Sour Squabble

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AN: this is a bit shorter than I'm used to, but I'll try my best to work a bit more,- 

hope y'all enjoy!


   After a moment of infinite, white silence, Pomegranate found herself standing by a fountain. All around were croissant benches and chocolate lampposts placed with care. The air was filled with laughter and tools put to work. Madeleine and Raspberry gossiped as they polished their swords. Crepe had already found Custard and Strawberry, and they seemed to be playing a game of tag. Clover and Licorice were drinking tea at Jampie's Dinner and chatting-

"Licorice Cookie?!" Pomegranate almost didn't want to believe this. Licorice was hanging out in the Kingdom! "For how long have you been coming here behind our backs?!"

Clover looked at Pomegranate and promptly ducked behind Licorice's shoulder, letting loose a squeak like a kicked mouse. Licorice, strangely enough, (to Pomegranate at least) didn't cower like he normally did back at Dark Enchantresses Castle. In fact, he looked kinda brave- or stupid. There's a really fine line between brave and stupid.

"You're one to talk! Why don't you look around and see where we're standing! Are we not sitting in the same place?! I should ask YOU what you're doing here!" Licorice pointed in her direction, clutching Clover's arms carefully in his free arm.

Pomegranate felt that she didn't have time for this. She stalked over and grabbed Licorice by the hood, yanking him behind her. "I'll be borrowing him. wait here," Pomegranate glanced back at Clover, getting a glimpse of his upset face, and hearing a sliver of his concerned incoherent murmurs.

Pomegranate dragged Licorice all the way over to the train station, jolting him in front of her and grabbing him by the shirtfront. "Do you know about Baker?!" She hissed lowly as she rattled him.

"Baker?! Who's Baker?! Do you mean Moon Rabbit?! They're kinda a baker, right?!".

Pomegranate shoved him down to his knees, making him have to look up at her. "No you imbecile!"

"Pomegranate Cookie,"

The two corrupted cookies turned in the direction of the voice. "Pure Vanilla Cookie, I-", Pomegranate was at a loss for words. She quickly pulled Licorice up onto his feet.

"I see you have met your former colleague,"

"Mmhmm,", Pomegranate hummed in affirmation.

"Let us have a walk and talk, just you and I," PV turned to Licorice, "You wouldn't mind if I stole her away from you, would you?".

Licorice shook his head frantically. Too frantically. Pomegranate noted his immediate reaction; she could use it to start a gaslight later.

"Well then. Pomegranate Cookie?", he turned onto the dirt path, looking back and waiting for the seer to join him.

Pomegranate walked up beside him.

And they began their stroll.

!Self Aware! Cookie Run: Kingdom X GN (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now