Talk Between Rivals

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"Why do you wish to speak to me?"

Pure Vanilla didn't say anything. He just kept on walking. Though, it seemed that with each footstep the healer took, the eye of his staff shuddered it's eyelid as it's iris darted about fanatically.


"Is it alive?" Pomegranate inquired. Pure Vanilla opened his eyes and looked at her, a subtle negative aura coming from him. "Yes, just as alive as you or me- but that's not what I wanted to talk to you about,".

"Well then, spit it out! What is it you want to say?"

"It's about Baker."

Pomegranate stopped, taken aback by this. As far as she knew, She didn't like Baker, but she liked the idea of something bad happening to the person responsible for the running of her world even less. "What about Baker?" She looked at him, tilting her head.

PV sighed. "Pomegranate, nearly no one in the kingdom knows who Baker is,"

"Wha-.........what?" Pomegranate squeaked, at her own dismay. Pure Vanilla glanced at her. Clearly, he did not expect that from her, but he didn't seem surprised. She clapped her hand over her mouth, averting her eyes to the floor in shame."I- I'm afraid I need to ask you for clarification," she said, avoiding his glowing gaze.

"Pomegranate Cookie,"


Don't you dare look.

Don't you dare.


She gulped. "Yes Pure Vanilla?"

He sighed loftily, speaking, "You don't need to hide yourself here. You do realize that,..... right?"


'Oh well.'

'I'll just give her some time. She's probably not used to this kind of environment.'

After a long moment of quiet, she Cleared her throat. "You wouldn't mind giving me a better explanation about Baker's social status, would you?"

Pure Vanilla smiled, and began to trek further down the path. "Those who are on the exploration team, are the only ones who know who Baker is. That balcony is the closest anyone could ever get to seeing them," he sighed wistfully, "unless you happen to see a glimpse of them in the sky, where they watch over us." He lifted his head up and opened his eyes, as if Baker themself might be around, watching.

Pomegranate tried not to yawn. "That sounds really nice," she purred boredly.

Then she felt a surge of magic from under her robe, beating like the taps of a drum. Her mirror.

She slipped it out from up her sleeve and peered into it. Dark purple mists had filled the glass. She gave PV a cheesy smile. "I'm so sorry, I have to take this. I'll be right back,". She ran off into the forest on the east side of the kingdom.

Once she found a safe, secluded space hidden in the thick mint pines, she pulled out a small bag and poured some pomegranate powder over the surface of the mirror. Once the bag was empty, she picked up the mirror, closed her eyes, and took a breath. "Receive," she breathed, blowing away the powder and watching as the purple mists in her mirror cleared, revealing none other than-

"Dark Enchantress Cookie," Pomegranate smoothed her kimono and put on a neutral face. "Whatever is the reason that you call?"

"I know where you are, Pomegranate Cookie." She tugged at the hem of one of her black fondant gloves with a bored look on her face, looking back up without a change in her facial expression. "I debated on whether or not to crumble you where you stand, for being in that filthy monarchy," she clenched a fist, the glove squelching uncomfortably. "but since you're my most trustworthy servant, I decided you can still be of use." She grinned. "Surely you've found some INTERESTING dirt somewhere in that snooze-fest kingdom." She looked at her follower expectantly.

Pomegranate could already hear her master's praises. She smiled with pride. "Yes,...... I have some especially valuable information."

"Well then,..... do tell," Dark enchantress leaned on her throne.

"Pure Vanilla is not the leader of this kingdom, no...... it's someone far more powerful."

Dark Enchantress's eyes gleamed with intrigue, Pomegranate continued.

"They're called Baker, and very few know of their existence. I think that they peer into our world from a different one.... They make all the calls and are the main reason that we are currently losing against their cause." Pomegranate leveled her tone. "I have a plan on how we can take them down."

Dark Enchantress laughed and clapped her hands together. "Ooh, this is why you're my favorite!" She sneered excitedly. "What do you propose?".

"I propose-," Pomegranate looked around. Yes. No one else was around to hear. "-I propose that we make Baker mortal."

"What?!" Dark enchantress didn't sound like she liked that idea, quick! Pitch your claim!

"Baker is a lot like a witch, from what I can tell. We could turn them into a cookie, we can convince them to join our cause! Once they're on our side, we'll be unstoppable!" Pomegranate flourished her hand for dramatic flare. "What are your thoughts?"

Dark enchantress tapped her fingers on her throne. "Hmmm...."

Then, as a sign of final decision, she rested her fist on the armrest. "It'll take about a weeks worth of preparation, but............... that just might do it," Enchantress's voice Crescendoed, growing bolder in tone "yes that-!.....That just might work!". She beamed down on the younger lady, "Well done Pomegranate,"

"Well Done,"




I have nothing to say for myself

Thank you everyone for being so patient. I will probably update every few weeks or so, so don't get too excited just yet. Also--


See You Soon :D

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