Helloooo Sailor!

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A/N: Again, I have nothing to say for myself. have this. I might continue this after all...

TW: very slight mention of dysphoria.

Your Pov:

 Despite your eyes being closed, You could see a bright light through your eyelids. You begrudgingly squinted your eyes open. You were laying on your back, looking up at the blue sky and the sun. And that'd be pretty normal, if you didn't vividly remember standing in your room a few moments ago.

You blinked your eyes open, putting your arm up to shield your eyes from the sun. But What blocked out the sun instead was a crumby looking slab. Confused, you used your other arm to touch the slab. Another slab came into view, and to your sinking horror, you realized you could feel one slab touching the other.

You quickly sat up and looked down at yourself. Your hands and feet were gone. Your dough was a similar color to the skin tone you had, and you still retained a similar build to your original one; the only difference being that your insecurities and dysphorias were smoothed out and a lot less noticeable now. The clothes you were wearing were still technically the same, just made of a mix of fondant, spun candy floss, and some gummy candies. You patted down your hair, and that was made of candy and frosting too.


This was concerning but still woah. You looked around, and was shocked even further. All around you, were cookies. Your cookies. And you were sitting in what looked to be your kingdom. You couldn't help but watch in awe, your mouth hanging open.

You saw Avocado cookie working the smithy, and Muscle cookie smiling pleasantly to himself as he watered the trees of the Jelly berry orchard. Squid ink cookie and Onion cookie were walking by, looking as skittish as ever. You would have watched longer if something hadn't abruptly knocked you back on your back.

No. Someone. You could feel them sitting in your lap. You sat back up with a groan, rubbing your arm. You looked at the offending cookie sitting In your lap. "Sorbet Shark Cookie??" You said in bewilderment. They garbled at you, tugging on your arm for you to get up. And who could say no to such a cute face? As you wobbily got onto your 'feet', you saw another cookie approaching you.

"Aye, you there!" Came a thundering, salty voice. Captain Caviar Cookie. He walked over, a half smile on his face. Sorbet quickly ducked behind your legs. Caviar just smiled more at that. He turned back to you though. " 'Ave ya' seen a wee lil' cookie, about ye' high, dressed similarly to me-self and only speaks in garbles?" Caviar asked, gesturing about as he described who he was looking for, despite having just seen that very cookie dive right behind you. You heard Sorbet giggling. Caviar smiled when he heard them. And then it dawned on you. They were playing a game. Why not play along?

"Nope," you said simply. "Haven't seen them anywhere. Maybe they're down by the sugar mines?" You shrugged. Sorbet only giggled more, which made Captain Caviar chuckle. Then he gave you an odd look. "Aye... are ya' new here?" He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow at you, a glint of a smile in his eye. You stuttered for a moment, then just nodded your head. "Aye! Welcome aboard- eh," he stopped and studied you for a moment. "Never did get your name mate,".

Oh no. There are two- no, three ways you could go about this. You could A: give him your actual human name, and probably draw attention to yourself. B: tell him you're called Baker cookie, a pretty lame name in your opinion. Or C: make up a cookie flavor based off of what you guessed could be made to make you, but you probably didn't have enough time for that. You decided to go with option B.

"I'm Baker, Baker Cookie." You gave Caviar a sheepish smile. Gosh, you hated yourself right about now. Captain nodded, thankfully not questioning your name.

"If you're new here, then ya' outta meet Pure Vanilla Cookie! He's the nicest guy around an' he's the best at giving newbies tours o' the kingdom!" Captain said cheerfully. He took you by the 'hand' and started leading you towards a part of the kingdom you recognized with a mix of excitement and embarrassment. The part of the kingdom... where your Pure Vanilla Shrine was. 

!Self Aware! Cookie Run: Kingdom X GN (Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now