Burgers and Coffee Weirdly Go together well

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  The kingdom is a whole lot different when you're not looking at it from a bird's eye view. As Caviar tugged you through the kingdom, you weaved between the different areas you decorated when you were still technically,'human'. A bar for Sparkling Cookie, a beach for Mango and Sorbet Cookie, and even a little corner that still had decorations from the Disney and BTS events. It was intriguing seeing it all in person.
But what really got your heart pumping was White Lilies and the blue flowers that started popping up, and how the grass transitioned into vanilla tiling. It was a small garden, with a statue of PV surrounded by lovely shrubs and Pure Vanilla's Gazebo tucked into the corner. You couldn't help but feel a small sense of pride seeing your handiwork up close and in person.
"Pure Vanillaaaaa~! Pure Vanillaaaaaaaa~! We got another newbie 'ere!" Caviar called out.
You were met with silence. When out of nowhere, you both heard leaves crunching. Then out popped Herb cookie from behind a tall potted plant. "Oh, hello there," Herb said kindly, smiling. "Did I hear that you're new here?" He cocked his head to the side slightly, his eyebrow going up.
"Uhhh, yeahh..... I'm kinda new here and don't know my way around." You said sheepishly. "Oh that's wonderful!" Herb said cheerfully, then realized how that may have sounded. He reiterated himself. "I mean-, it's wonderful that you're here! You should find Pure Vanilla and have him give you a tour, he knows this kingdom inside and out."
"Herb, are ya' sayin' that Pure Vanilla ain't 'ere?" Caviar asked.
"Oh! Well, I thought PV was down by the fountain, but no worries! I can give you a tour while he's gone!" Herb held his favorite potted plant close and quickly trotted over.
Herb took you by the hand and led you around, talking about everything in the kingdom.
"-oh! And this is Jampies Diner! It's a nice place, got lots of yummy treats here." Herb waved over to the cookie who was working there, Mala sauce cookie. Herb whistled and tossed Mala a coin, and Mala stopped stirring the pot to run into the diner for a moment, returning with a bear jelly burger.
"Welcome to the kingdom, newcomer!" Mala exclaimed, pushing the plate into your hands. You picked up the burger and tentatively took a bite. It was warm and gooey, but pleasant. It had a savory taste alongside the sweetness, but still really nice. You took another bite appreciatively. Mala laughed.
"Good stuff, huh?"
You nodded and swallowed. "It's a little different than... where I come from, but it's still really good. Thank you." You took another bite and savored your burger, as Herb chuckled. You realized you had finished the burger and chuckled sheepishly. You couldn't remember the last meal you had.
You and Herb thanked Mala, and went along with the tour. It was awesome. You bumped into so many cookies! It was all smooth sailing until someone brushed right past you, muttering and reading documents to himself. You froze and turned around, watching him. "Is that..?".
"Oh! Yes! Espresso cookie! Busy as usual it seems. I forget that he's a bit famous sometimes." You and Herb watched after the mage.
After a few moments. Espresso stopped walking and put away his documents. "You do realize it's rude to stare?". He turned around with an unimpressed look on his face, but that expression quickly shifted when he looked at you.
"What in Earthbread-" he grabbed your hand and studied it, inspecting your dough and brushing off crumbs. "Who.... Are you?" Espresso said finally.
"This is Baker Cookie, they're new to the kingdom." Herb said helpfully. Espresso just studied you further, which was... awkward. For you at least.
"I... have a hypothesis. You're coming with me." Espresso took you by the wrist and started walking towards his laboratory, looking deep in thought and ignoring yours and Herb's questions. Nothing deterred him though. When he was curious about something, he was determined to learn all he could about it. And if what he thought about you was right... well. It could reveal a whole aspect of magic no one's looked into before.

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