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Who am I to you?
Just some little thing to pass the time too?

I've seen you before
From my pasts of sadness and gore

What do you plan to do with my heart?
Like all the others did? Sit and shred it apart?

You have a girlfriend!?
I promised myself these feelings would end.

When will I ever be enough?
Just for one man?

A podcast said men are made for polygamy
Honestly it makes sense they way he talks to me.

Where can I find a moment of rest?
Can life stop giving me these tests?

I just want to build a home.
I should have just left this place for Rome.

How could he treat me like this?
Did you think that status is something I would miss?

I told my self you were different!
I sold myself the idea that I could be different...

But I was wrong... even asking myself the five questions I know now, all that shit is for fairytales.

You don't want me next to you.
You don't want me.
You want my words, my attention, and my affection.
You want the highs and none of lows.

Baby.. Y'all made me nothing but a therapy session ready to explode.

Just Below the Surface (January to February 2022)Where stories live. Discover now