Twenty - "I can be the man you want."

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Chapter Twenty

Pia's POV

Oh no!

The loud ringing sound of my phone was deafening. It echoed inside the study room.

Mr. Stavrakos turned to me, his gray eyes instantly met my brown eyes. Questioning. Accusing. Or probably angry. Because that's what his expression tells all the time.

I bit my lower lip, trying to think of a reason. I am so busted now.

"You have her phone!" he shouted before I could come up with another lie.

"Um... no-no," I shook my head vigorously, then muted my phone, "its... it's an alarm for my hypertensive meds, sir," my face burned, as I forced a smile at him.

He grunted irritably.

"Damn it, she's not picking her phone again," he muttered looking at his phone, then turned to me, "when was the last time you talked to her?"

"Um... this morning sir, before she... before she went to work."

"So she really ignored my calls!" he twisted his lips, not liking the idea, "you should teach your niece proper phone etiquette, Miss Rosi. It's rude to ignore someone's call... and too many times."

"I will, sir," I said, my head bent, looking at the floor.

Proper phone etiquette, huh? Like I'm a moron, who has no manners and right conduct.

If you only knew, you dumbass! I LOST MY PHONE! And I could have answered you now, if you did not call in front of me.

"Tell her, if she doesn't want to go out with me, then fine! That's not a problem. I don't force myself on any woman," he bursted, "all she has to do is tell me straight."

I already did! Loud and clear, on the balcony last Saturday night, remember? I wanted to shout at him.

"I'll tell her, sir."

"Good. I'll wait for her call tonight."

My eyes grew big, "huh?"

"Yes, tell her to call me. If she won't..." he heaved a sigh, "then I have no choice but to call her father. I'll inform him that his daughter needs a seminar in proper phone etiquette, or better yet, a whole program of personality development!"

He's being rude and savage again. This asshole is getting on my nerves.

I rolled my eyes, disgusted at this ill-mannered arrogant beast. He should be the one taking up a course, not me! He's the one with a rotten personality!

"Why are you rolling your eyes, Miss Rosi?"

My eyes bulged, "huh?"

"I saw you rolled your eyes. Are you contradicting me?"

"Um..." I forced a smile and a calm voice, "my niece is a very fine and well-mannered lady. She may not be educated in a private school, but her parents made sure to bring her up with right manners and good values in life. I know her so well, I helped her mom in bringing her up to be a very decent lady."

"You?" he chuckled, "I saw you at the guardhouse when I arrived, Miss Rosi. You were flirting with the guard!"

My mouth dropped open. This man is not just a beast, but Satan! He's now accusing me of flirting.

"I was not, sir."

"Then tell me, what are you doing in the guardhouse? Give me a valid reason."

"I... I was walking the dog."

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